Friday, July 17, 2009

H1N1 Updates: Legal protections for vaccine makers and WHO gives up on counting cases

The Associated Press: Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine makers: "Vaccine makers and federal officials will be immune from lawsuits that result from any new swine flu vaccine, under a document signed by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, government health officials said Friday."

1. How severe is the current crisis?
2. UN health agency gives up on counting swine flu: The World Health Organization says it will stop counting individual cases of swine flu.
3. Tracking individual swine flu cases is too overwhelming for countries where the virus is spreading widely, the agency stated, "WHO will no longer issue global totals of swine flu cases, although it will continue to track the global epidemic."
4. WHO says countries should look for signs the virus is mutating, such as changes in the way swine flu is spreading, surges in hospital visits or more severe cases ...
5. WHO had reported nearly 95,000 cases including 429 deaths worldwide. But the numbers are outdated, with United Kingdom estimating it had 55,000 new cases last week alone.

Are you an investor or sucker?

DCAL=Directed Combinatorial Algorithmic Library has been able to investigate using filters to determine if your investment is sound vs. industry averages.

Current Ratio (initial liquidity) = Total Current Assets/ Total Current Liabilities

Industry Average Ratios:
Agriculture 1.31
Mining 1.19
Construction 1.44
Leather/Textile/App 1.50
Chem. Petrol. Metal 1.54
Wood Related Prod 1.43
Mach-trans equipment 1.54
Trans-Communic 1.03
Non-Durable 1.53
Durable 1.42
Hardware 1.68
Gen. Merchandise 2.14
Automobiles 1.23
Apparel 1.90
Furniture 1.61
Restaurants 0.73
Financial Services 1.18
Business Services 1.36
Service Industry 1.29

Additional crucial questions that enter into DCAL:
Earnings before interest & taxes (EBIT)
Working capital
Retained Earnings

There are also methologies employed to measure the management and if they value shareholder return or their own positions. -This is crucial to consider.

Remember that giving out $$ is easy but making $$ as a viable business requires accuracy and precision to match demand with supply of the right customers. And if your retained earnings require too much capital expenditures -this is not a positive.

Interesting video:

Sophisticated Explanations of Henry Paulson:

NYT Article on Henry Paulson & Congress

Sunday, July 12, 2009

D.C.A.L. measures inner mental strength

Exactly what are the chances of success when physical, mental and spiritual odds are stacked against you?

Qian Hongyan, who was forced to use half a basketball as her prosthetic body, has inspired millions of people worldwide with her ambition to compete as a swimmer in the 2012 Paralympics in London:

Looking back on her childhood, she was extremely positive. People like Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, Mahatma Ganhdi had D.C.A.L. inner strength ratings of 85+%.

Over the years, in developing mathematical correlations, we have measured various physically challenged individuals and their inner strength attributes worldwide (video) looking for inner strength qualities including 'the drive to overcome all adversity'. Qian Hongyan is exceptional and will continue to gain worldwide attention and praise.

In developing D.C.A.L. for applications in artificial intelligence exception traits were reviewed. On Alive Not Dead, Shairah's singing ability was reviewed and we found that voice does matter in negotiations and performance. Since she's a performing artists, the better she can maintain this vocal capability where the derivative of the slope is smaller at the peaks, the better her performance.

Qian has arrived at a point in her life where the public following will feed her success.

Roger Federer is another exceptional individual with an extremely high D.C.A.L. inner mental strength rating:

1. D.C.A.L. (Directed Combinatorial Algorithmic Libraries) is an optimized platform based on the mathematical teachings of Dr. Vladmir Fock (Fock Matrix, Hartree-Fock).

2. An example of differentiation is using the numbers 1,4,5,6 ... how many random combinations exist?

The numbers 1,4,5,6 provide 24 possible combinations:

1456 || 4156 || 5146 || 6145
1465 || 4165 || 5164 || 6154
1546 || 4561 || 5461 || 6541
1564 || 4516 || 5416 || 6514
1645 || 4615 || 5614 || 6415
1654 || 4651 || 5641 || 6451

While one can use trial and error to determine this feature. If it cost a corporation, 100K each trial and every trial was a busines campaign, the time costs and the monetary costs would be quite high. The potential $ tab could be 2.4M USD.

Individuals with exceptional excellence like Dr. Vladmir Fock found methods to arrive at this answer:

4!= 4x3x2x1= 24 combinations

3. If asked the same questions how many random combinations exist in sets of 2, once again you could come up with a trial and error of:
{1,4}; {1,5}, {1,6}, {4,5}, {4,6}, {5,6} ...... six (6) combinations

or individuals came up with the code:
4!/[2!(4-2)!] = 4x3x2x1/[2x1(2x1)] = 6

4. If you carried this to the next level and passed a filter using the alphabet:
A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6
You would derive that 1,4,5,6 is equivalent to the letters A,D,E,F.

5. If you asked anyone how many four letter combinations existed that contained common words anyone could see it arrives at 2:


6. Reversing the code you get the combination:

Essentially, the cost would be minimized to 200K. And the company would be saved 2.2M USD of capital expense.

7. The movie, "A Beautiful Mind" shares a glimpse into the life of people who could see patterns (i.e. John Nash who was also an offshoot of Group Theory applications in economics). How can some people can see these patterns? What makes them exceptional? What traits do they have? Musical composers like Bach and Mozart come to mind. Newtonian mechanics how is it possible someone thought of this?

Taught a many Universities today: Repeated Game Theory (voice lecture)

8. Exactly how much mental strength can play in the healing process? The answer is a significant amount. Inner mental strength is a phenomenal trait. We all have it. Can it be trained. Yes. It is amazing.

9. If the combination was longer, trial & error would be so costly it
would eat up your revenues (i.e. 236642597) ... Using mathematics, we calculate there are 90,720 combinations:

9!/{2!2!}= 9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1/{2x1x2x1}

With D.C.A.L., you can narrow it within 300.

10. Edward Altman (b.1941) created the Z-Score Financial Analysis tool (published in 1968) to help creditors determine the probability of bankruptcy in the next 2 years. Read more. Imagine what kind of intellect must you have to be able to accomplish such feats of mental strength.

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