Friday, February 27, 2009

Page 15 Honorary Professor of Science & Technology

Over the weekend, I was inducted as an honorary professor at Open University Hong Kong.

This reminded me about the movie: Flash of Genius (2008) which shows us why we should get an education.

I am able to run companies, have titles, teach, even do research programs with an independence and at locations that would otherwise not be possible.

The real costs:

However, some students started asking me the real costs of my education. Back in 1992, with scholarships, the total costs per year were $5000. At the same schools, the costs would be 40,000 USD/year:

Schools attended:

Debt load vs. income considerations:

1. Work income lost during years in school
2. Possible stresses on a relationship due to overtime and student loans
3. Deepening depression on a global level should make students think carefully from the business angle 'where' they place their $$$ aka debt load.

If someone were to repeat my path at today's costs, it would be close to a million dollar investment at 4% FIXED interest rates:

$40,000 USD (avg/yr) x (2006-1992 =14 years) = $560,000 USD total loan necessary.

Assumptions for ease of calculation:
1. 4% interest on loans for 30yrs/360months does not exist (amortization schedule)
2. Sallie Mae doesn't allow for a one time loan of this amount
3. Food expenses and additional costs not included
4. Auto insurance not included

Monthly repayment: 2673.53 @ 4% fixed
Month #1: 559193.14 (remaining balance) 806.86 (principal) 1866.67 (interest) 2673.53 (total payment) 1866.67 (total interest)
Month #360: 0 (remaining balance) 2664.64 (principal) 8.88 (interest) 962,469.24 (total payment) 402,469.24 (total interest)

Questions from today's concerned students (not yet married, already asking):

1. Who is responsible for the debt after the divorce if the Student Loan was secured DURING the time of marriage, BUT the student never finished school and never received any finacial benefit after schooling?

2. Am I liable for anything if I walk away and leave it all to him?

Older student asks: I am choosing to abandon my spouse (both children are over 18) and leave the state. I have debt (equity line) with him I was pressured into signing for a summer residence to be built (the residence is in his name). I want no part of any assets we acquired together and will not seek a divorce, he will have to get it by default. Will I be liable for anything?

Kiplinger's Advice (, Yahoo Answers

How healthy is Sallie Mae and the accredited companies/institutions?
1. Bear Sterns
2. Merrill Lynch
3. Bernard Madoff
4. Sallie Mae

Possible solutions (if educators got income from external consulting opportunities, universities could charge less to students, the lowered debt load would allow students to be more successful and drive commerce):

1. Educators need to seek compensation and salary outside of schools so that the cost to each student can be significantly decreased
2. Faculty need to be recruited who enjoy and desire teaching with a passion rather than treat this as another job
3. New institutions need to be willing to barter (apprenticeship time as a trade-off for lowered costs of tuition) at earlier levels rather than at post-doctoral levels
4. The costs of education need to be greatly evaluated on their value-added especially in light of rising global unemployment.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Witch Hunt ...

Here's a contribution from another blogger Satz (I like the humor, so I'm adding it to the post) =D ...

1. How bad are things? It is just beginning to get bad.

2. With wage expectations and costs of living/healthcare prohibitive to lower wages, double the amount of existing American dollars will need to be printed. This means the value of money will be decreased and people will need to work harder to be able to afford the same. This move will create a unique effect on solving the cost of labor. By devaluing the currency, everyone will be forced to accept lowered wages.

3. Of course, there is the constant witch hunt for 'who did it' and the Bank of America subpeona is a prime example of more to come. It is interesting how many millionaires were created during the financial fallout. What has the world come to?

4. Thoughts? Worried at work? Maybe you should fire yourself and get an early start. At least your in control of who is getting fired. This is what some experts have suggested: Some of the best companies have resulted from founders deciding to fire themselves before they were axed.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1969 (Aquarius/5th Dimension) ... 40yrs ago vs. today 2009

Today, I was reviewing various songs to use as breakpoints for the radio show. I paused during Aquarius by 5th Dimension. The year was 1969. I wondered how things were so I took a peak at unemployment rates, population rates and the average home price. Wow, times have really changed in 2009. Today, we are approaching 10% unemployment in certain areas, have about 30% more people and the average home is 10 times more expensive.

Take a look at the song's lyrics ...

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revalation
And the mind's true liberation

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius
Perhaps we need to add these concepts back into our livelihood:
1. harmony
2. understanding
3. sympathy
4. trust
5. peace

Well we used to call them hippies, treehuggers crazies ...
Today, they are respected as green leaders, forethinkers, the only few who can solve the
greed crisis and rebuild trust.

How times have changed!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Meaning of Life?

I was just asked again, what is my favorite book and when I said The Holy Bible ... The next question is what did you like about it, what part?
I love every part of it!
I do have two books that I particularly like: The Book of Ecclesiastes and The Book of Psalms.

The book of Ecclesiastes are writings from a real historical man named King Solomon (son of King David) who had everything you could possibly imagine! I've been amazed at the depth and meaning each time I pick them up and read them!!

The Book of Psalms is incredibly soothing and one of my favorites is Psalm 23.

King David's words are often used in movies, theatricals, funerals and you read them in your spare moments. I've always read these words before any major event or appearance.

I've included the full copy of my first international paper submitted over a decade ago. It shows you that no matter what walk of life you come from the Bible's words are applicable and quite amazing. I learned to speak a different language understood by only my scientific community. My feelings of excitement were difficult to describe as a young man. I could call up my high school friends and family in Asia but they wouldn't really know what I had to do to get here. It didn't matter, I was overjoyed. But this would be a fleeting moment, like all the material things that get stashed into corner. 1997-1998 was a like a blur to me. Everything was happening so fast!

Has a lot really changed? If you look at 1997, the Dow Jones Industrial Averages was also around 8,000. I was just starting out into the workforce. Little did any of us know that 12 years later, we would be back at 8,000! And in 1997, we unemployment was much lower than it is now. And when people ask can it go lower? Perhaps reading the whole book of Ecclesiastes will help you determine that answer ...

I wonder what other religions say ...
King Solomon had studied all kinds of religions in his life and came to this conclusion.
How interesting! =D

Psalm Chapter 23 (Ref: New International Version):

A psalm of King David.

1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 (Ref: New International Version):
Everything Is Meaningless

1 The words of the Teacher, son of David, king in Jerusalem:
2 "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless."
3 What does man gain from all his labor at which he toils under the sun?
4 Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever.
5 The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises.
6 The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course.
7 All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again.
8 All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing.
9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
10 Is there anything of which one can say, "Look! This is something new"? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.
11 There is no remembrance of men of old, and even those who are yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow.

Wisdom Is Meaningless

12 I, the Teacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem.
13 I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a heavy burden God has laid on men!
14 I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.
15 What is twisted cannot be straightened; what is lacking cannot be counted.
16 I thought to myself, "Look, I have grown and increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me; I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge."
17 Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.
18 For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Beautiful Skin

Over 95% of babies enter into this world with near perfect skin. But then over time, our chemical filled environment starts to eat into our skin causing a multitude of blemishes.

I've always applied naturals onto my skin and avoided these four key points in any skincare product:

1. Parabens (methyl, ethyl, isopropyl, butyl prefixes don't matter, if you see the word parabens, don't put it. But it contains rose hips or vitamin C ... it doesn't matter what else it contains if it isn't made right).

2. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, sodium lauroyl sulfate (once again, there are lots of names for the 'L' portion of the word, but if it contains this in the ingredients, say no regardless of what else it may contain).

3. Where is it made? Just like real estate: location, location, location! If it is made in China or certain parts of Asia, the fact is no matter how many filters they use, it is still going to contain by-products from industrial facilities (I won't even listen to the 'what else is in there', just say NO).

4. No animal (four legged by-products, these don't have good storage/shelf-life compared to plant sources)

Over the years, I've consulted for a vast number of skincare product companies on the how-to's in making products. It is certainly lots of fun, full of glamour and excitement seeing major marketing dollars thrown in so many directions. I've seen personalities from founders of major brands that remind me of Snow White's step mother ... but that's a whole other topic. =D

My friend Michael put together this spoof vid of some engagements, I've been allowed to publicly share. It is quite a sight and his song selection of "Beautiful Girls" makes it all the more amusing. It may allow you to have insight into the vast beauty industry (behind the scenes). This may help explain why every woman keeps searching/changing products once they realize its no longer working. Some argue that it never really did.

As a professional, I would say loading of chemicals have definitely compromised the any good intentions on performance. And for the pure natural products, the ingredients are often mismatched with an obsession towards the word natural. Just like making a dish, you need balance, you can't just throw wild pineapples, wild pork and a wonderful natural gelato together and mix it up for dinner. The ingredients needs to work together but because that takes the longest time in learning, it is the least sexy or attractive.
I am very glad to help them but goliath like companies and their sheer size just don't allow certain methodological approaches to be applied. I've also done talks on the diets and the tummy's and while there is a product for everything ... the real secret is in the quality of what you buy, knowing the parameters of how to choose and living out some not so basic rules!

Here's one not so basic rule:

Profits and beauty just don't go well together!

Over a decade ago, I visited thee impeccable pristine locations in the Caribbean Islands and in the Himalayan mountains. This left a lasting philosophical impact on me with regards to natural beauty. The reasons you don't think of your local farmers as being beautiful is because of all the chemical fertilizers being pumped into the soils. They end up getting very high levels of exposure and the bacteria are not friendly but instead aggressive. Even organically grown doesn't compare to the waters from an untouched tropical island or the heart of a rainforest.

My earlier years in dermatology research with Dr. Huachen Wei encountered another valuable lesson. We were after a compound called alpha santalol derived from Sandalwood oil. My colleagues had run out of this material but the findings were so intriguing because our data indicated that rat skin tumors were reversible with alpha santalol. Our original batch was from Indonesia but the costs to extract, distill under vacuum (to not damage the compound) and then purify had driven the material costs to > $100,000 USD/oz. In attempts to get a faster and more reliable source, we had purchased batches that would be sold to retailers i.e. Bath & Body Works. The end product had barely any alpha santalol. If we proceeded, this would end up costing >> $5,000,000 USD/oz due to wastage from overlapping compounds with no therapeutic value towards cancer.

It has definitely been a journey of appreciation and growth. Understanding that the vast secrets in beauty lie within the natural minimally touched resources of the Earth. Take naturally carbonated mineral waters, how many realize that big brands can no longer possibly be naturally carbonated at the source? The sheer size of the demand and the willingness to meet this demand has compromised a once natural source by making derivative products for the masses. And so in the marketing approach, we can only say the source is a naturally carbonated mineral location.

So in answering the topic of attaining beautiful skin, one chief component is what you put on your skin and your surroundings plays a substantial role. When I formulated I.G.B. (Inspired Green Beauty), I wasn't going for a mass product. I even chose the name from the lesssons I had learned:

Wholesome ingredients that work well together (sometimes really good ingredients are not necessarily complimentary and you don't want to combine them) and express the following unique qualities:

1. Improve elasticity
2. Antioxidant protection
3. Increase circulation & bloodflow
4. Offer 3 levels of effect to balance color during the day
5. Avoid chemicals
6. Use artesian water instead of distilled municipal water
7. The combination must offer resistance to harmful germ growth

So that's my secret and now its in a bottle! =D

Recently, 2 buyers, one from Neiman Marcus and another from Saks Fifth Avenue commented, "Dr. Chiu, this is like a miracle in a bottle!"

Is it a miracle in a bottle?

I'd like to think of it as reminding us about the few places on Earth that have the bluest skies, clearest waters and light pink sandy beaches with wild coconuts and vegetation. Every morning and evening with every application on our skin, it will trigger beneficiaries to embrace a greater cause for beauty beyond the self and to embrace our planet.

Like the surface of our skin that erodes with pollution, the surface of the Earth is dying too. But there are a few good spots left and while it will take thousands of years to fix the entire planet, perhaps it can start with these bottles of Inspired Green Beauties!

And just like every morning I have a large fresh bowl of antioxidant rich fruits instead of a glass of pasteurized orange juice, you can't have a good diet if everywhere is being polluted. And this is the reasons I've been writing about for so many years, the fountain of youth is possible and can start with us!

There are a total of 11 Big Steps that I follow. And each of those 11 Steps have a series of techniques that are found in the Harper Collin's Book: Rejuvenating 50's, The 21st Century Guide to No Plastic Surgery. But I am not for the botox that my other colleagues talk about as the alternative to plastic surgery. Hmm, that sure sounds real natural. We always learned that when you impede blood flow you can have infection and gangrene. And so on the face, when you botox, there is less movement and an increased impedence. While this is not enough to cause gangrene it negatively impacts on color and reduces blood flow to the skin's surface.

I made my statement very tactfully and avoided deletion of those sentences. But in the full version of my book, I actually describe facial exercises that will beat out botox any day !!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Becoming Engaged (8hrs of Practice)

Today's photo session, taught me a valuable lesson on engagement with the camera. There are lots of 'how-to' in the world including 'how-to' photograph a person. I never imagined there could be a 'how-to' be photographed.

This time preparation for new headshot involved looking at my past headshots and learning from them. Today's lesson was on developing`the moment` with your audience (through a photograph).

At first, I didn't see her point. But now, I understand. How you look at someone should reflect how much you care about them! But since the camera is not a person, it is easy to misfire, backfire or not-fire your feelings the way you want. Somehow this is not a problem for Simpy (my dog). I discovered that I had a long way to go before I am as good as Simpy when she looks at me. =D

Engaged 'in the moment'!

Disengaged and thinking of
Wile E. Coyote

There are so many other factors that we'll be practicing on besides 'engaging' including delivering your natural expressions. Like anything, some formal training is always good. =D

Anyone who can provide hints on 'how-to' engage would be greatly appreciated!

image consultant said that
I was at most 20% engaged here!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Deceptions with Consent


1. In 2007, I had given permission to have my visits with Colin Andrews filmed.
2. Colin agreed.
3. I asked to be notified BEFORE it was publicly released due to timing of confidential data in my research.
4.. In 2008, fans/friends informed me they saw the full version and sent a `video of the video` (see below).

Problems with the release:
1. While Colin is an expert in the field of paranormal research, this is an extremely controversial area.
2. The amount of controversy with CropCircle hoax related media made our meeting seem like a perfect segway into the battle between science and pseudoscience, charlatans and snake oil.
3. I respect him as a friend/person.
4. Our meeting was not on CropCircles (for those who question about my appearance in the film)

Some thoughts:
If you wanted to prove, on a clear night, there are stars in the sky, you would need the proper equipment. But if you did not have the proper camera, this doesn't mean that stars don't exist.

Methodology: Colin uses tools Dowsing rods to measure energy in the surrounding areas.
Item: Meteorite sampling

Colin Andrews' embarked on a journey years ago and dedicated his life to searching for the paranormal and crop circles.

Partial video clippings:

His work and equipment detected a major shift as he walks over the area:

For readers and viewers, you may have answers (feel free to send them in).

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