Yes, it is true that the original seeded watermelon is becoming extinct very fast. Even places that you can find seeds have hybrized flaws. The valuation of a seeded watermelon is set to skyrocket by 10-20 fold with current valuation already at $10-12 USD for a single watermelon REGARDLESS of weight. These original seeds are not terminator seeds (Genetic Use Restriction Technology) . Most consumers will never understand or hear about SUICIDE SEED technology and prevention of unauthorized seed saving. This is a very complex issue but it concerns you and will concern everyone very shortly.
And if you've never tasted "the original seeded watermelons", you're in for a surprise. It tastes substantially more satisfying and is "an experience" beyond your typical terminator seeds or seedless kinds.
Should this right be restricted because there is a greedy farmer looking to sabotage the corporations?