Monday, March 30, 2009

The wrong algorithm can be costly to society and the consumer (2 cases) ...

1. Our financial mess and economic losses are an example of what happens when improper algorithms are utilized.

2. Unfortunately, cumulative losses rarely engage in implementing a new algorithm due to professionals lack of understanding and almost mechanical reliance on the older methodologies.

3. Example #1: PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen Test):

A. The algorithm chosen does not consider that PSA testing is inaccurate (Two major studies have confirmed: The popular PSA test save few lives and often lead to risky and unnecessary treatments for large numbers of men.

B. Complete disregard for financial pressures: Knowing that you're now PSA + significantly impacts your coverage/insurance options (this becomes the insured's problem and counseling does not incorporate this).

C. Prostate cancer is progresses slowly, however, surgical manipulations can significantly increase the risk of metastasis (malignant spreading to other areas of the body).

D. Patients under treatment have actually died when avoiding treatment could have prolonged lives.

E. Doctors that undergo daily routine screens are unable to advise due to liability and therefore full reliance on the algorithm is at stake. Therefore, the success of the patient depends on the quality of the algorithm.

4. Example #2: Auto insurance needs a dynamic and mathematics based algorithm that has horizontal and vertical analysis rather than outdated +ve/-ve pathways:

Insurance companies prefer 'good' customers. The ones that make regular payments (without being delinquent) and don't have claims. This is a simple formula that can wreak havoc when expanded without an advanced approach.

A. Insurance companies are complaining: The 'good' pool size of individuals has becomes increasingly difficult to find as times change leading to unstable revenues.

B. Patrons and customers should ask their agents: How do the monies collected in revenues help to enhance the 'good' pool size so that a positive and larger 'good' pool can even exist? In lay terms, do insurance companies use their profits to help their definition of not-desirables become desirables, effectively?

C. Current targets set by insurance companies are not based on a dynamic combinatorial algorithm library (DCAL):

Desirable: Higher credit scores; Higher education; Full coverage on their vehicles; Continuous coverage; Lives in good areas; Owns a home; Between ages 22- 60 ; without claims in the past 3 years; Owns multiple cares versus single cars or lease; no health risks

Undesirable: Inner City- Urban areas; No/low Education; Liability only coverages; Poor credit history; Prior claims; Lapse in coverage; Old cars; contains health risks

D. Targeting without DCAL are poor ways to identify your sample size. In fact, it can lead to more problems over time. For example: Category Desirable vs. Category Undesirable can 'shift' and being a homeowner can be increasingly riskier than a renter who can leave and live in a city or country with more jobs (i.e. foreclosures). Without using DCAL, being an owner is 100%desirable and being a renter is 100% undesirable. Another example: Urban areas that offer mass transportation would mean that drivers have more options to avoid high accident time periods leading to lower accidents. Without using DCAL, urban living is considered 100% undesirable.

E. Here is another indicator that having an algorithm with "macro-indicators" will help. It states that during anytime, whenever the volatility indicator (also known as the 'fear' index rises and stays above 40 units for 6 consecutive months, a dynamic shift in the consumer markets and behavior will occur). Most companies don't use algorithms because mathematics is scary or unknown to them. The companies that do invest in some form of tracking don't crunch certain information due to the costs of implementation/maintenance

This is a consumer accessible example of the volatility index showing that we've maintained above 40 units from September 26, 2008 through March 31 2009 (6+ consecutive months). There is also meaning when consecutive Presidential terms contain a 40 unit spike (Clinton adminstration (1993-2001) , Bush administration (2001-2009) and Obama administration (2009-present) ) that policies are not holding up, increased stresses exists on the current model and external forces are eating away at the financial and political foundation. Consumers and companies must adapt or suffer the consequences:

"If you live without direction or decisions, then someone or something will provide you with directions or decisions that you may not desire" ... Pastor 2001

F. What would happen if these monies are instead used to insure financial companies that make bad bets on the stock market? And would this lead to higher premiums and lesser terms for the average consumer trying to purchase insurance? (i.e. AIG)

5. Conclusion: Older and costly algorithms need to be replaced with highly effective methodologies to consider outcome effects. These are called directed combinatorial algorithm libraries (DCAL).

The current prostate cancer algorithm is only a stepwise path of positive/negatives without an integration of mathematical considerations formulated to account for and to consider that prostate cancer is extremely slow growing and left unchanged poses little to no risk. If detected, confounds the insurance carriers model of finding healthy customers for both auto and health insurance.

The current insurance module is incomplete, inaccurate and unsustainable. Insurance carriers must account for better ratios in case there is an environmental plethora of disasters that appear due to climate change. The current ratio does not provide adequate protections and could cripple the already overburdened consumer.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

EMF Radiation Damage

During the past 2 decades, numerous public opinions have been formulated on whether cell phone or electrical powerlines have a cause-effect relationship to cellular damage.

1. Here is an indepth review interview with Brodeur
Reference: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 15(1): 116-120, 1996 and 15(2):106-110, 1996.

2. Unfortunately, the negative economic impact has prevented any loud voicing of the actual facts. Publications such as the British Medical Journal and access to these journals make it impossible for the public to understand even though the journal has found direct links to cancer specifically leukemia (Ref: BMJ Draper et al. 330 (7503): 1290.)

3. On March 17, 2009, several close colleagues released their research findings but news coverage was minimized to Canada's National Post rather than the New York Times. Although these are all reputable researchers, without a strong platform, these results will not reach each household effectively.

A Balanced Viewpoint Is Necessary:

On a public health perspective, no options have been provided should there be a problem. Independent unverifiable products such as radiation sinks and discs that "claim" to provide safety sales are on the rise due to consumers who have identified with these risks.

Unless the problem is openly discussed, there can be no distinct clarification on precautions related to cell phone and bluetooth usage.

If EMF radiation damage is a negative contributor to acute/chronic health risks, this needs to be openly discussed. Solutions need to be provided to reduce possible health impacts to the unaware/uninformed consumer.

Numerous health disasters have occurred historically due to lack of an agreement on the scope of harm (i.e. asbestos & mesothelioma, cigarette smoke, phthalates, lead paint). To wait for policy based on litigation would be a passive oversight given the potential data that appears before us. On March 17, 2009, the data clearly states the obvious and yet few public reports are available!

Pork Quadriceps (A New 21st Century Healthy Alternative Over Beef/Chicken, A Business Model Review)

During these several months, I have been intricately involved with reviewing and evaluating the infectious disease risks in eating beef/lamb, chicken/turkey & pork. The result is pork became the safest meat to be eating.

1. Beef (Mad Cow's) & Lamb/Goat (Scrapies): The rising incidence of Prions w/o proven methodologies of control means consumers should reduce consumption immediately:

In the past 10 years, you may have heard about something called mad cow's disease. Despite whether or not you encounter this in the food, prions are by far the least understood and beyond nasty when compared with viruses, bacteria and fungi.
So from an infectious disease standpoint, you should stay away from any meats that are capable of getting "mad" or infected by prions. According to researchers' and activists such as Dr. Day, consumers should understand that bovine and humans, sheeps/goats and humans can all get infected by prions. Anytime the risks to consumption are so great to your health and your loved ones, you should start to reduce your consumption of beef and lamb products.

2. Bird Flu: Until avian flu and related viral strains are consistently controlled and regularly reproducible, fowl consumption will remain a epidemiological risk to humans.

In the past 5 years, the word bird flu has been on a dramatic rise. The reason for the fears is because it has been found to cross-infect humans. The sheer mass production involved in farming fowl and the practices in the industry have setup a perfect storm for a major viral outbreak. While viruses are significantly less feared than prions, viruses are the second worse infectious disease to be reckoned with. Viruses of notoriety include Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Ebola Virus, Avian Virus (H5N1), Rhinovirus (common cold), Herpes Virus, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) etc etc.

Even infectious diseases in computers are called computer 'viruses' rather than computer bacteria or computer fungi to highlight the rapid spread and lethality of the disease.

3. Pork Aside from vegetarians being safe from red alert meats, pork eaters will be glad to know that modern day pork is a very safe alternative to beef/chicken due to excellent measures in past decades within the pork industry:

Once thought of as the dirtiest animal on the planet, has come a long way of cleaning up itself (i.e Pulp Fiction Restaurant Scene).

With refrigeration and freezer technology, even trichinosis (parasitic worms) are becoming a historical memory rather than a current phenomenon. Freezing kills trichinella and other bacteria. In addition, trichinella is only found in carnivorous animals. By mandating that pigs either eat vegetarian pellet food or grass diets rather than raw meats, trichinella was significantly reduced in the last decades. Major reports from the Centers for Disease & Control as well as notable writeups in Chowhound and others had already started the re-initiation of pork as the cleaner and safer alternative.

Did you know: Secret #1? (Choice meat during the global recession)
With the economic downturn, pound for pound, pork is a less expensive meat to be eating and could be really worth considering given it is now safer than beef or chicken.

Did you know Secret #2?

Besides being low fat, pork is also rich in nutrients without being loaded with calories. It contains high levels of some essential B vitamins like B6, B12, niacin, thiamine, and riboflavin. In addition to the B vitamins, pork also contains high amounts of other nutrients, providing you with iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. And let's not forget the protein: A three ounce (3oz = 0.1875lbs) portion of pork provides nearly half of the daily requirements for protein.

Did you know Secret #3?

If you chose to eat pork quadriceps (inner quadriceps), you would be getting 95% lean, 6oz would supply your protein needs and the quadricep is the best area to acquire solid protein with excellent texture and flavor!!

Did you know Our Secret Sauce is 100% Diabetic Friendly?

Fresh Peppercorns, Himalayan Crystal Salt pre-marinated overnight onto pork cut into either dollops or cubes and basted with S-Agave (will be out soon -a mineralized rich agave ...). You can even skewer the pork with fresh rosemary sticks to drive the aroma and flavor into the meat.

Did you know?

Eating 6oz pork + our secret sauce will help you lose weight! Oprah & Dr. Oz have talked about my research in agave plants but we will be the first to showcase how eating 95% lean pork w/ our special sauce will help you lose weight and keep it off!

Retail projects:
1. Flagship franchise store on facebook Safe/Effective/Earth Friendly/Kind (S.E.E.K.):
2. Helping restaurants to manage their supply chain of a diabetic friendly, tasty weight loss dish to begin v.v. soon!

Bon Appetit!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lecture: Beauty & Feminism (A Distortion From the Truth)

Name & Title: Dr. Gordon CHIU Yui Wai (Honorary Professor, S&T)
Open University
Lecture Style: Online/Live
Email contact:;
Time: 9:30 am-11:30am Hong Kong Time
Date: 4th March 2009
Office Telephone no. : 27686866
Address: Room A0914, School of Science & Technology
The Open University of Hong Kong
30 Good Shepherd Street, Homantin, Kowloon

Online/Offline References:
Charles Dickens,
A Tale of Two Cities (London: Chapman and Hall, 1859)
Malèna (2000) Movie
Huffington Post Lashes Out at Vogue's Photoshop Usage for "The Perfect Woman"
Beauty & Breast Issues in Hong Kong
Ladies Pro-Feminism
Ladies Against Feminism
Views on Feminism from Christian Churches

Outline of Lecture on Beauty & Feminism
(outline is a supplemental walkthrough and is NOT meant to replace the 2 hrs of lecture/discussions)

Definition of Beauty: Greek origin: -being of the hour, seizing the moment

Some measures of beauty:

  • Symmetry & balance

  • Youthfulness

  • Additional examples during class discussion

Advantages?: faster advancment?, higher grades in school, better treatment by certain admirers, a subjective yet often measured criteria in society

Disadvantages?: Watch movie Malèna (2000).

Note: Studies have shown that attractive looking criminals have received lighter sentences than less attractive criminals.

Definition of Feminism: Belief that women should have equal political, social, sexual, intellectual and economic rights to men.

Historically, this has caused a great divide amongst traditional feminists who believe that the beauty industry is made to prey upon the weaker females and to increase their sufferings.

The movie
Malèna is set in 1940 Italy during World War II. During these poverty stricken times, a woman's beauty was shunned by the villagers.

Recent statement by feminists:
"The more legal and material hindrances women have broken through, the more strictly and heavily and cruelly images of female beauty have come to weigh upon us ... During the past decade, women breached the power structure; meanwhile, eating disorders rose exponentially and cosmetic surgery became the fastest-growing specialty ... pornography became the main media category, ahead of legitimate films and records combined, and millions of women worldwide have told researchers that they would rather lose ten to fifteen pounds than achieve any other goal ... More women have more money and power and scope and legal recognition than we have ever had before; but in terms of how we feel about ourselves physically, we may actually be worse off than our unliberated grandmothers!!"

Women had a role in balancing the family.

The feminist movement while real became quickly used by marketers, economists and corporations. After World War II, tough economic times were abound and marketing efforts for treating women as equals was the perfect answer to increasing the income of the family. This would allow educational, property and general taxes to be increased substantially. Affordability would rise and pretty soon, consumption would follow. The amount of time that women would lose eventually could be offset by buying consumer goods. The damages to family life would create new social work opportunities as well as attorney's career based on divorce cases.

Point of No Return, "The Perfect Woman Idea":

In 1969, Vogue magazine made the breakthrough that has evolved into the cast-iron Beauty Myth of today.

"Vogue began to focus on the body as much as on the clothes ... In a stunning move, an entire replacement culture was developed by naming a 'problem' where it had scarcely existed before, centering it on the women's natural state, and elevating it to the existential female dilemma ...

The number of diet-related articles rose 70 percent from 1968 to 1972 ... The lucrative 'transfer of guilt' was resurrected just in time."

We are bombarded today with images of the "perfect" woman. She is tall and willowy, weighing at least 20% less than what her height requires. She rarely looks older than 25, has no visible flaws on her skin, and her hair and clothes are always immaculate. One "perfect woman" looks pretty much like the next; she is essentially not human, interchangeable and disposable. In fact, quite often she is presented in bits and pieces like a mannequin- -a torso, some legs, a shapely fanny--completing the assembly- line metaphor.

Today's culture judges women, and women judge themselves, against this standard. And if you're not perfect or strive to be perfect, you could easily lose your relationship.

Time has become so stretched that dating services are popping up with new concepts "who has time for a dinner date & movie anymore?" Example:

The Perfect Storm for Change:

Consumers & investors get the "royal cheatment"

  • Economic & global collapse of falsehoods & lies

  • Open University offers a degree based program in beauty

  • Safety issues in cosmetics and skincare

  • Unscrupulous surgeries makes actresses look deformed and wax-like

  • Global climate changes outlaws the use of caviar (i.e. La Prarie)

Smarter consumers are noticing that there is more than just ingredients and packaging on a bottle just like all great stories use words found in any dictionary. How the words are put together makes all the difference.


The words:

  1. It

  2. Was

  3. The

  4. Best

  5. Of

  6. Times

  7. And

  8. Worst


It was the best of times and the worst of times -Charles Dickens

By being creative with his combination/formulation of words into powerful sentences, Charles Dickens was the most popular English novelist during the Victorian era!!

Skincare and beauty formulation is no different. While there are many formulations on the market, how you sequentially combine them will ultimately lead to different results. The "how" of combining is determined by your philosophy. If you have the wrong philosophy, the formulation maybe enjoyed as hype but not as a long lasting approach to beauty.

Hype can cause pain & suffering:

1980's - 2009 version of healthy: Diet & exercise

  1. Counting your calories (no regard to food source (mold, toxins, preservatives), storage conditions (moist vs. dry, overheated juices in bottles are cooled only at the stores) or combination of the foods (some foods should never be combined i.e. tomatoes + potatoes) )

  2. Exercising in enclosed environments = increase your metabolism and just burn it off (Gym, Yoga etc. in locations that could have either mold or sick building syndrome.)
According to some leading researchers, "this has lead to more cases of chronic sicknesses since sliced bread!!"

5 Day Hermit Crab Study on Sugar + Mold Generation:
A mold study with Caribbean Hermit Crabs indicates that substance CC (aka substance double C) enables the species to be resistant to mold and to protect the surroundings. However, this protection can be compromised if the sugar level is artificially escalated above its threshold. In the experiment, the sugar level is raised for 5 days using a 2" slice of Asian pear. The substance CC is unable to stop the mold growth especially at contact with the Asian pear due to an overabundance of mold food (sugar). While substance CC remains protective to the Caribbean Hermit Crabs, the sand has become compromised. If the conditions are not changed, the health of the hermit crab will be decreased due to the overproduction of substance CC. At some point, the advancing growth stages of the mold will eventually harm the hermit crab.

Unfortunately, humans don't produce substance CC. And numerous complaints can arise from allergies to headaches and even cancer.

Human Species Earn & Burn Concept Fails to Prevent Chronic Metabolic Disorders:

Counting calories does not distinguish which foods will provide a complete burn, create residual waste, reactive by-products or irratic swings in the metabolism.

Examples of chronic metabolic disorders:

  1. Diabetes

  2. Depression

  3. Adrenal insufficiency

  4. Thyroid (hypo/hyper)

  5. Many forms of cancer

Medical definition:

Diabetes is the name given to a collection of diseases that have elevations in blood glucose levels in common. Population studies have defined cutoff levels of glycemia that are eventually associated with increased microvascular disease such as retinopathy. Two replicate fasting levels that exceed 126 mg/dl (>7 mM) are diagnostic in the absence of symptoms. Persons with fasting levels between 110 and 126 mg/dl are at risk of diabetes (impaired fasting glycemia). Replicate, 2-h glycemic responses >200 mg/dl (>11.1 mM) after a standard oral glucose tolerance test indicates diabetes also. This stage is often reached, however, before the fasting glucose levels are seen to rise. Type 1 diabetes comprises those forms of diabetes that are primarily due to insulin deficiency, however a relative insulin deficiency also is part of type 2 diabetes, which is however less severe, though it is compounded by degrees of insulin resistance, often associated with obesity. Long-term type 2 diabetes is complicated by glucose (glucosamine) toxicity, which decreases the patients' abilities to secrete insulin further, leading to diagnostic confusion with type 1 diabetes. Whereas type 2 diabetes is usually strongly familial, type 1 is much less so, having only one member of the family so affected in 90 percent of cases.

Topic for another time:
Perhaps the unstoppable rising costs of healthcare will make us all evaluate whether the excessive prescribing of medications is helpful or harmful on a longer term basis.

In Conclusion:

Peace, equality and love need to be supported together. It is clearly evident that feminism has been utilized by the beauty industry as a lucrative marketing tool preying on the disatisfied working woman and her desires. This has left the unsuspecting female consumer to be burdened with the stark reality that these miracle promises come at an even heavier price.

Dr. Chiu firmly believes that the current ecological, economic, educational and health problems have created a perfect storm for change. Consumers will be increasingly critical and requiring the companies step up in their 'works'. If they are going to buy something, it had better be:

  1. Safe

  2. Effective

  3. Earth Friendly

  4. Kind

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