Tuesday, March 24, 2009

EMF Radiation Damage

During the past 2 decades, numerous public opinions have been formulated on whether cell phone or electrical powerlines have a cause-effect relationship to cellular damage.

1. Here is an indepth review interview with Brodeur
Reference: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 15(1): 116-120, 1996 and 15(2):106-110, 1996.

2. Unfortunately, the negative economic impact has prevented any loud voicing of the actual facts. Publications such as the British Medical Journal and access to these journals make it impossible for the public to understand even though the journal has found direct links to cancer specifically leukemia (Ref: BMJ Draper et al. 330 (7503): 1290.)

3. On March 17, 2009, several close colleagues released their research findings but news coverage was minimized to Canada's National Post rather than the New York Times. Although these are all reputable researchers, without a strong platform, these results will not reach each household effectively.

A Balanced Viewpoint Is Necessary:

On a public health perspective, no options have been provided should there be a problem. Independent unverifiable products such as radiation sinks and discs that "claim" to provide safety sales are on the rise due to consumers who have identified with these risks.

Unless the problem is openly discussed, there can be no distinct clarification on precautions related to cell phone and bluetooth usage.

If EMF radiation damage is a negative contributor to acute/chronic health risks, this needs to be openly discussed. Solutions need to be provided to reduce possible health impacts to the unaware/uninformed consumer.

Numerous health disasters have occurred historically due to lack of an agreement on the scope of harm (i.e. asbestos & mesothelioma, cigarette smoke, phthalates, lead paint). To wait for policy based on litigation would be a passive oversight given the potential data that appears before us. On March 17, 2009, the data clearly states the obvious and yet few public reports are available!

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