Saturday, November 21, 2009

Healthcare Reform (It will happen and change IS coming) ... Are you prepared?

Dear Readers,

Been extremely busy these few months as 2009 comes to a rapid close and Thanksgiving is a week away. Busy on what? In my line of work, sometimes our greatest accomplishments are based on what didn't happen or transpire. That's what preventative maintenance is all about.

So "as the world turns", there is yet another major event that is coming up that will affect your life because the numbers have gotten "out of hand". And that is the topic of much debate called the "Healthcare Reform Bill". Does it have national and international implications? Absolutely!

Is there a righjavascript:void(0)t or wrong answer? It depends on which side of the fence you sit on and undoubtedly with rising unemployment (>10%) of the national workforce, a dropping dollar and worries about an overheating international economy ... you should be concerned.

We need to start to wake-up and to have a serious and hard look at cost cutting measures for the greater good. But will that impact accessibility to the best medical care? Absolutely. So what should we do? We need to increase efficiencies and start to think as a whole community. Perhaps evaluating the taboo territory of alternative medical care, prevention, eating right ... may become a necessary part of everyone's share?

Here's the latest on what has happened over the weekend:
Senate about to vote (WSJ)

Best in Health!!

Historical Views:

One view promoting health reform (sponsor included):

Certain Physicians' View:

Keith Olbermann's View:

President Obama's Address:

Regardless of what kind of reform is chosen, we need to cut costs, improve efficiency and make technological advances that will lower our unsustainable burdens. The US healthcare problem plays a significant role in the US healthcare deficit problem.

There are arguments for right and left views. At the end of the road, something will happen and change is coming. Are you informed and prepared? Are you a small or medium sized business owner or employee? This will ultimately affect an unprecedented number of lives.

I look forward to seeing your views ...

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