Friday, February 20, 2009

The Witch Hunt ...

Here's a contribution from another blogger Satz (I like the humor, so I'm adding it to the post) =D ...

1. How bad are things? It is just beginning to get bad.

2. With wage expectations and costs of living/healthcare prohibitive to lower wages, double the amount of existing American dollars will need to be printed. This means the value of money will be decreased and people will need to work harder to be able to afford the same. This move will create a unique effect on solving the cost of labor. By devaluing the currency, everyone will be forced to accept lowered wages.

3. Of course, there is the constant witch hunt for 'who did it' and the Bank of America subpeona is a prime example of more to come. It is interesting how many millionaires were created during the financial fallout. What has the world come to?

4. Thoughts? Worried at work? Maybe you should fire yourself and get an early start. At least your in control of who is getting fired. This is what some experts have suggested: Some of the best companies have resulted from founders deciding to fire themselves before they were axed.

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