1. In 2007, I had given permission to have my visits with Colin Andrews filmed.
2. Colin agreed.
3. I asked to be notified BEFORE it was publicly released due to timing of confidential data in my research.
4.. In 2008, fans/friends informed me they saw the full version and sent a `video of the video` (see below).
Problems with the release:
1. While Colin is an expert in the field of paranormal research, this is an extremely controversial area.
2. The amount of controversy with CropCircle hoax related media made our meeting seem like a perfect segway into the battle between science and pseudoscience, charlatans and snake oil.
3. I respect him as a friend/person.
4. Our meeting was not on CropCircles (for those who question about my appearance in the film)
Some thoughts:
If you wanted to prove, on a clear night, there are stars in the sky, you would need the proper equipment. But if you did not have the proper camera, this doesn't mean that stars don't exist.
Methodology: Colin uses tools Dowsing rods to measure energy in the surrounding areas.
Item: Meteorite sampling
Colin Andrews' embarked on a journey years ago and dedicated his life to searching for the paranormal and crop circles.
Partial video clippings:
His work and equipment detected a major shift as he walks over the area:
For readers and viewers, you may have answers (feel free to send them in).