Saturday, October 25, 2008

From Geekdom to Freedom (notes from Dr. Chiu)

Today, I was asked by an interviewer when was my earliest accomplishment in media? My answer was 1998 with knowledge and without knowledge in 1996. I was working on a "combinatorial approach to creating solid phase transition state analogs on resin acrylates" and this Mitsunobu reaction worked and I had gotten a paper on novel discoveries.

Although this was not mass media, it was relevant within the scientific community. In geekdom terms, it is very, very important to get one of these before you turn thirty. And if by chance you get this before you graduate college?! Well, this is very powerful and you get recognized by fellow nerds and geeks globally. So technically since the discovery was made prior to graduation (this is how they count it), I qualified to be super-geek and super-nerd.

But the geek-a-thon continues (because things just never end). In 1998-1999, my contributions prior to getting a Masters of Science led to a patent filed under the world intellectual property organization (WIPO).

but as you bloggers know, I left geek-land and awoke from my geek-dream into a reality nightmare on 11 September 2001 followed by 16 January 2002. For most of you, 1/16 doesn't mean anything compared with 9/11 but for me it did. If only the Jewish community knew how a red ocean hospital treated Mrs. Stein or Mr. Hurewitz or the poor Rabbi Wartenberg!! I went in blind to all of this. When you visit the medical school/institution website you saw very much the same information you see today: picture perfect -one of the nation's leading best!

And yes, because I scored top, I got access to US gov't Dollars and taxpayer funds to learn from this place but my grant (1M USD) was to be controlled by Mount Sinai. In 2003, I was selected to do some work for the American Medical Association in Washington DC as well as a project on bioterrorism and learned that family doctors were already throwing in the towel on healthcare. After coming back from Washington DC, the very next year I left Mount Sinai and transferred my credits to University of Bridgeport (see other blogs). Mount Sinai could keep the remainder of the funds and I can still become a doctor.

A few years of peace and quiet and look what's happening right now? And like Lehman Brother's disappearing act: off the planet causing lots of headline attention so did my work as a dairy consultant on the melamine issue. I was one of the few who pointed out the melamine/cyanuride doesn't just cause kidney problems, it also causes cancer (article1, article2). You see, Aldrich is not going to put cancer suspect agent if it didn't frequently cause cancer amongst other things such as kidney damage. For the nutritionist that you see on article2 to avoid this subject is because she was trying to play both sides.

The medical excuse filed at Mount Sinai was that 9/11 had impacted me heavily and this resulted in me having to leave medicine. If you look at my academics after I left Mount Sinai and compared it to my past academics, scoring all three 10's on the AMCAS, and the two years afterwards in University of Bridgeport (transcript1/transcript2) ... you know that a fast one was pulled on the public. They never assumed that I would transfer and become a naturopathic doctor. No one did.

Well ... almost no one. My recommendation letters were written by some really good medical professors that gave me raving reviews and yes, I did contact Senator O'Toole who had supported me in the past to help me as well. What's a geek to do in such a situation (google search: mount sinai hospital financial turmoil)? Oh and to really give credit to a man that appeared in my life at a very down moment, this was Professor Michael Cox (he taught me things about businesses that I never thought were possible) and he shed light on my situation and helped me to gain foresight on what a man must do. While founding a university that would be accredited only in the Cayman Islands, Professor Cox was dying of a brain tumor. For two years (2004-2006), he personally spent time calling me while he should have been healing. He changed me from being a geek to learning to be a gentleman. He poured substantial knowledge into me but refused to answer any questions related to why the school was only accredited in the Cayman Islands. But before he died, he answered me with this ... the approaches, the business tactics and the methodology would never be accepted elsewhere. Do you only date women who appear in Time magazine or are you willing to try some other rating systems? (part of another story, for another time).

After 2003, I was lucky with more than just a few connections (see video). Yes, I could have reported this to the hospital ombudsman (but is there such a thing as privacy and protection ... em' he gets paid where?). In the midst of the turmoil was there a "right" place to go? I ask you if everything is really the way it looks how did Michael Moore find all this dirt on health insurance companies?

Answer: He spoke with the health insurance staff and the patients. The only reason he couldn't get a movie on the real stuff is because there are a number of iron gates that he can't get through because he's not an insider.

The biggest kicker is I had an impeccable record, top scores and learned the greatest gift at a super young age. It is all a bunch of numbers being moved around by people who shouldn't be running the system. Below are public articles on Mount Sinai's Miami Hospital division . . .

I've finally graduated from nerd city/geekdom to freedom!!! One thing I learned from geekland, always keep the evidence online. Read more on this website.

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