Sunday, October 19, 2008

A tribute to my teachers (A personal letter from Dr. Chiu)

On May 28th 1974, I was born into this world. My parents told me that in order to be successful, I must learn and get as many degrees as possible. I must make incredible breakthroughs and contributions or else I am a nobody.

Today, I ask myself it is more important to be at peace as a nobody or to become a somebody who makes others sick? On June 6th, I was accepted into the world's top program (MSTP/NIH/NIGMS) in medicine. Three months later, on the 11th of September 2001 is the day the twin towers came down. The following year Mount Sinai School of Medicine was cited in the New York Times for their liver transplant failures and the hospital was very much in financial trouble.

Looking back, I was experiencing a Bear Sterns or Lehman Brothers or Indymac Bank bankruptcy situation in the medical world. My dermatology research with Dr. Huachen Wei and the work I did with Congress in 2003 became a pivotal year because Asia and my family was hit by SARS. In 2004, I made a heartbreaking decision to transfer out of the MSTP NIH-NIGMS program and move all credits into naturopathic medicine in an attempt to leave New York City. My decision to do this was multi-fold but in great part I found that the clinical setting did not offer any level of healing possible based on what I had learned about post-traumatic stress disorder.

On May 2004, I was accepted into the University of Bridgeport and graduated in May 2006. During this particular time, I met many healers and discovered many problems associated with my past. These videos are some of the truths that I learned regarding the allopathic system that I once belonged to:

My first contribution to creating a novel discovery that would pollute the Earth in unimaginable ways was accomplished in 1996 and the world would only know about it in 1998.

And so as I grew up, I attended top accredited schools and sacrificed my wellness to become that somebody that ended up with academic achievements that did lots of harm. And yet, when one takes the Hippocratic Oath (I took this twice: once in allopathic medicine and a second time in naturopathic medicine), we swear to: do NO harm.

What if the very therapies and approach used in allopathy causes harm? What should we do about the level of food processing, environmental toxins and additives dumped into the ecosystem that cause cancer (i.e. melamine)? How much science is healthy? How much justification should we make?

And therefore, this is a personal letter of thanks to all my teachers and healers that have engaged me to become a better person and to walk a path that coincides with balance, healing and respect for all living systems.

As a modern day motivational speaker and tutor:

1. Balance studying and fun time.

2. Participate some extracurricular activities which you are interested.

3. -不要單靠牢記公式, 要理解公式推斷,運用和擴展 (understand don't purely memorize)

4. Start at Form 3 to prepare for HKCEE. “Good preparation like a marathon needs earlier exposure/training.”

5. 全力以付, 迎接新挑戰 (add oil and find the proper mentor)

6. DHA/EPA should be in comparable ratios (within 2% range) to maximize brain boost, should get from a wild source.

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