Sunday, January 25, 2009

Research, Smart Living & You!

Smart Living (Part I):

==========RESEARCH, SMART LIVING & YOU =============

In this article, let me share with you about the hermit crab (Coenobita clypeatus). The hermit crab is a symbol and reminder of our teenage years. Did you know it is one of the few pets in teh shops and online that cannot and will not reproduce in captivity? Merchants are constantly balancing the supply chain because they must be captured from the wild.

During my study of this species, we have found the hermit crab is very effective in transforming the soil beyond nutrient rich. The hermit crab inhabited soil contains a substantially better base for encouraging seed germination rates. A comparison of germination rates of wild soil vs. standard soil samples show how the hermit crab plays a crucial role in positively benefiting soil recovery programs with a large potential for the agriculture industry.

Under captivity (i.e. pet stores and homes), anti-substance CC is released. In the wild, substance CC helps promote seed germination while reducing the competitive advantage of germs & mold. Many merchants and business owners never have the opportunity to understand why hermit crabs don't mate within captivity. The answer lies in the production of anti-substance CC. This material causes increased stress in the hermit crab and ultimately reduces their life force/vitality. Interestingly, anti-substance CC and stress are highly correlated.

While increasing natural diets does improve the hermit crab, in captivity, anti-substance CC will be released and shortens the lifespan of the hermit crab. The inability to reproduce the species under captivity shows us how limited our understanding of mimicking natural habitats remains.

A greater question arises, if this is happening in hermit crabs, what might be happening in our own biological systems? Historical studies indicate that improper living environments (food, exercise, stress, chemicals etc) can negatively impact your overall health. For example, eating high fructose corn syrup can lead to greater tooth decay, diabetes and additional metabolic diseases.

A Financial Wake Up:
Many of us know, investing in a college education will allow you the potential to earn at least $25,000 USD/year more than if you did not go to college. Over 40 years, this amounts to $1,000,000 USD in additional spending power. But did you know the maintenance of eating organic/healthier meals, quality products, HEPA filters, water, etc can cost an average of $50-$65/day of additional costs?! Over the next 40 years, this would be 73%-95% of that extra $1M USD!!!

Of course, consumer outcome studies show that healthier living standards do perform better in prevention of allergies, asthma, cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension etc. But the fact remains, being healthy is very costly and seems to only be getting more expensive in the near future.

Making Sense:
As a reader, does this make any sense to you? Did you know that if you took 25% of that total amount of $1,000,000 USD and bought an acre of land here, your investment would allow you full access to:

(1) fresh water
(2) clean air
(3) chemical free surroundings
(4) wild, natural foods

In developing the research center and a second home, we invite you to visit and see an overview and if you want expert advice on pricings/lifestyle and information, we are here for you (click here).

Like the hermit crab, when we subject our bodies to unnatural surroundings perhaps our vitality is greatly diminished too! And while I'm not saying you should move, and we sure have more to lose than substance C including substance money and health, this article is a shocking reminder of the real costs to health!

(1) Caribbean Living & The Extinction ...
(2) Caribbean Car Solutions ...
(3) Near Death Experience ...
(4) Lose Everything in Four Hours
(5) Aftermath
(6) Mr. Senator Sir, The Land Shows Promise (part1/5) ...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Would you feel unclean or violated, if you found out someone's hands were all over your feminine napkins/tampons/baby's diapers BEFORE "you" use them

若果您的貼身用品, 例如女士衛生巾, 衛生棉條及嬰兒止尿片等產品, 被人手污染過, 您會感到不適及不安嗎?

Dear Reader:

As a health critic, I have seen many things being done in the business world "just to make a profit". By re-packaging them into smaller packages without the knowledge of the manufacturer, they can sell these for increased margins.

When uncovered, they responded, "it" never went out to the public. We were just testing the idea ... that's all. It was just for samples.

The so called samples contained excessive bacterial loads (see lab report).
Do you trust their answer (would you trust them again)?? What can you do?

Please include your comments as a petition so that these actions can be put to a stop. I need your help to indicate that you would mind if you ever found that your intimate products (baby diapers, feminine napkins, tampons) were contaminated due to human hand and sweat touching them.


身為一個專業的健康評論家,我遇過許多商業上只顧利益的手法。曾經有一間公司, 瞞著製造商, 把一些品牌拆件再重新包裝, 把利潤提高。

當事情被揭發, 該公司回應, 他們並未把這一批貨品出售。他們指出,公司把貨品重新包裝只是一個實驗, 和用來做免費試用裝。(可是被污染的試用裝佈滿細菌)
對這種態度,您可以信賴嗎?(將來還可以信任該公司嗎?) 身為消費者可以做甚麼呢?

於這個網頁留言作為請願書, 齊來阻止這種惡行。我們需要您的幫忙, 證明消費者並不會容許貼身產品 (女士衛生巾,衛生棉條及嬰兒止尿片等) 受到人手及汗水污染。

Lab results:

Data indicates that the standard plate count for bacteria are 12,000x above safety levels!! Even for samples this is extremely dangerous.


報告指出, 該產品的細菌數量比安全條例標準超標多出 12,000倍!! 作為免費試用裝用途亦非常危險。

Additional information:

(1) Currently a list of store buyers who have little regard for their customer's safety continue to purchase this distributors products despite integrity warnings. Their interest is in the deeper profits.
(2) The manufacturer is outraged that such an incident is happening in Asia and once again gives a bad taste to the integrity of Chinese. However, the whole problem is caused by a few greedy people.


(1)現今市面上普及的零售店, 為了賺取當中利潤, 仍然跟該公司來往及買賣。(這不就是欺騙消費者嗎?)
(2)美國製造商對此事感到驚訝, 稱他們已經跟該公司斷絕來往。

Photos for Diaper example:
Original manufactured products do not use the abbreviation "7G", they always use Seventh Generation (authentic products):

來自裝造商的「正版 」貨品沒有用短寫 "7G", 原裝常用長寫 "Seventh Generation" (按此看原裝):

Front of repackaged example, baby diapers (left) and feminine napkin (right):

Back of repackaged example, baby diapers (left) and feminine napkin (right):

Best regards,
Dr. Chiu

PS: For unsuspecting consumers who are very driven to be green and ecofriendly, this kind of behavior is taking advantage of them. Please watch the video by Erin. It would be sad to take advantage and lie to a teenage girl.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Video: "I Have A Dream" Full Version Click Here

Dr. King's Last Speech:

Most people only 'know of' the Christopher Columbus Day or Martin Luther King Jr Day (parade) as a federally observed holiday. Few notice that only three federally observed holidays Washington, Columbus and Martin Luther King are observed with an individuals' name.
Some people are outraged and are out to "un"celebrate Martin Luther King Day due to the evidence that is stacked before them.

(1) Stanford University's 1984/86 Martin Luther King's Papers

(2) University of Nebraska -Lincoln's Professor of Chemistry: Gerard Harbison and doctorate of Harvard University is enraged, publishes (link) and joins the "un"celebration team and does not revere Dr. King.

(3) Alan Stang leads the charge against Dr. King's credibility.

(4) Was Senator John McCain avoiding this controversial point? He comments that he did not know enough about Martin Luther King's contributions when he voted against the observance as a national holiday at 47 years of age (Youtube recap).


Nobelaureate: Martin Luther King Jr. was born in a time of great controversy. His attempts at resolving peace through nonviolence would lead to significant changes in view towards racism. If you look beyond "man-made" education and ivory tower distinction of degrees and start to put yourself in the context of living together in harmony, you start to see what kinds of people would argue points 1-5. There is a higher level of accomplishments that make Dr. King's life worth noting.

According to a recent Goldman Sachs article, in the not-so-distant future, fighting over natural resources is sure to return. If the economic recovery takes hold and demand returns, there will once again be a fight over who owns the land, who owns the natural resources.

Like Martin Luther King Jr., the Chinese who have continued to work hard and persevere have come under much discrimination and hatred attacks.

Over dinner, I overheard someone comment that the reason for the economic crisis is the Chinese culture's frugal spending habits. The remark was "those damn Chinese who eat their own children are ... " The rest of the guests were shocked at the dinner table. The strangest thing was they were at a Chinese restaurant!!

If China was not working with the United States on spending to stabilize the global crisis and financial tsunami then what is the nearly 600 billion USD stimulus plan about (News article 1)?

These titles lead to more hatred and fears about the Chinese:

(1) Can China save the Global economy?

(2) Walmart Equals China

(3) Children posting Youtube comments on Chinese & Eating Fetuses

(4) Clinton turns to China Bashing (News article 2)

For the Chinese in China and around the world, we have amassed an incredible growth surge in wealth by embracing sacrifice, hardwork and perseverence. Every difficulty thrown at us, we have bent like a blade of grass. Cases like the 2008 Olympics tensions increased between Chinese activists and Carrefour are bound to return in the future.

In my own observations, numerous Chinese researchers and postdoctorates remain degreeless and bounded by universities because their work is "unfinished" and they are not U.S. citizens. When I was younger, comments flourished that Chinese are like monkeys. They do the work.

Even in 2009, for the Chinese we keep quiet. If we get laughed at, we try to roll with the punches and make the most of things (i.e. William Hung, Bruce Lee's initial USA film career).

Somehow, you could just feel the anger and hatred in gentleman's words at the Chinese restaurant. He was enraged against the Chinese for doing well and blaming them for his and the world's problems. And so his words were chosen to describe all Chinese in a context of barbaric in nature based on these news articles (Chinese/English).

Just like the life of Martin Luther King Jr and the arguments that continue today, discrimination exists in all parts of the world. A student who earns better grades will be looked upon differently than one who struggles. A person who has worked in corporations such as Bear Sterns will appear more special than one who works at a small bank. God has a strange way of setting things right again (in His own timing).

And speaking of God's timing, tomorrow is a very special event that will change history forever. It is the official inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama to be the 56th President of the United States (video of construction site).

We need to put aside our differences and realize our similarities as human beings. Only then can we advance ourselves as a civilization. While we continue to fight and argue, our planet is dying with an exponential elimination of other species and vegetation. Just like African classroom (see below), let's do our best to play nicely with harmony, peace and understanding.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Public Orgasm & Masturbation (Defendant claims it was the stress)

Case Study:

The court case goes back to September of 2008. The incident was on July 31, 2008, when Chiu Yu-kit, a journalist at ATV had to quit his job after being caught masturbating on a public bus without any clothing at 1am. Yu-kit commented, "there wasn't anyone on the top tier and I was doing it out of stress".

The case was closed with a fine against Yu-kit for 1,000 HKD and recommendation that he exercise more frequently to manage his stress levels (details). Judge Lam asked him to talk with an expert and Hong Kong doesn't really have many expert opinions on this matter.

Numerous cases like these fall under anger/stress management and people often call the office number +852 2893-3367 to schedule appointments to talk about private matters that are of concern before they happen. Sandra or Yui will let you know my schedule/availability.

Class Notes:

For students: This public case should allow you to think about the stress level of the metropolitan society. Your examinations will not have right/wrong answers with the exception of facts. When citing examples, make sure the case is publicly filed with references. Fabricating news materials will result in failure.

Reading materials:

(1) Hypersexuality has been defined as the subjective experience of loss of control over sexuality (Catalan and Singh, 1995).

(2) It is known to be associated with mood, impulse and compulsive disorder (Coleman and Kafka, 1991) .

(3) It must have biological factors such as brain injury involving septal nuclei (Gorman and Cummins, 1992) and dementia (Potocnik, 1992).

(4) Sexual addiction is synonymous with hypersexuality, which is defined as a condition in which some form of sexual behaviour is employed in a pattern that is characterized by two key factors: (A) recurrent failure to control the sexual behaviour and (B) continuation of the sexual behaviour despite significant harmful consequences (Goodman, 1998).

(5) Kafka (1991) defined non-paraphilic sexual addictions as culturally acceptable sexual interests and behaviours that increase in frequency or intensity so as to significantly interfere with the desired capacity for a sustained intimate sexual relationship. These behaviours may include compulsive masturbation, dependence on anonymous sexual outlets like pornography, or telephone sex, and repetitive promiscuity involving using people as sexual objects.

Current Medical Treatments:

(6) Serotonin, Androgens and Hypersexuality (post treatment with estrogen, do you feel there would be any side effects to the individual?)

Medical Controversy:

(7) Joycelyn Elders, first black U.S. Surgeon General, was targeted for her approach that masturbation should be taught in schools as a means to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. She said, "You can't educate people who are not healthy. But you certainly can't keep them healthy if they're not educated." (CNN article)

Thought provoking questions:

(8) If so many abnormalities in hormonal levels can lead to hypersexuality, then the possibility of imbalance should be addressed from levels such as hormonal-mimetics (chemicals that are not hormones but act like them in our system) in our water supplies, food, ecosystems (i.e. insecticide, fenoxycarb) as well as detrimental side effects of pharmaceutically modifying natural compounds such as horny goat weed: icariin thus preventing full metabolism and permantizing hypersexuality. An external environmental (food, water, chemical contaminants) vector could be the cause if autistic children are experiencing hypersexual tendencies (autism&hypersexual abstract).

(9) Is Yu-kit's case legitimately addressed by the courts, by quiting his job, by exercising? Some experts believe the next level in society is to follow Rome. If #8 is true, our methodology of treatment if flawed. Furthermore, Yu-kit was never evaluated for bipolar tendencies (hypersexuality has a strong link with bipolar), for adrenal gland hyperfunction, cancers (adenoma). In the Netherlands (a place where multiple feminizing toxins are found), you have websites for women PSAS (Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome) and RGS (Restless Genital Syndrome).

(10) Sexual equipment and international websites are being marketed as outlets that will reduce crime and promote mutual relationships In the United States, surveys indicate 76% of young adults agree that pro-masturbation is a better pathway for tension relief. Is this proper management of societal issues?

(11) Articles (Times Online UK) from a researcher discuss how wealthy men give women more orgasms and Pollet & Nettle both believe female orgasm is an evolutionary homing device that allows women to be rewarded for finding better survival mechanisms. Do you believe this research article and these websites (Mutual Partnerships/Sugar Daddy, Masturbation Passion etc) should be advertised together under similar keyword searches? Does Hong Kong/public media enable cases such as Yu-kit to recover or make it more difficult via embarassment tactics?

(12) Placement of the advertisement is indicative of the buy/sell aspects of who will be more likely to make a purchase when viewing the news. In Hong Kong's Standard, it is believed to be those who are young, going to schools or in the business/financial industry.

The Million Dollar College Hoax (Forbes Magazine Said It)

Is education a hoax? Interview with Dr. Chiu and how he did it on

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Recently, a Forbes article "The Great College Hoax" discussed what it means to get a college education and whether or not you really reap the rewards of going through school.

In every effort of dispelling the truth, only for members, one can only speak from experience. The cost of college, masters and medical/doctoral programs with living amounted to over 1.8 M USD in experience, education & training (want to see, I've kept all the receipts). Should you live like a pauper? And what are the costs to becoming publicly known? I've been asked to start divulging the 11 Progressive Money Saving Tips because I lived it during these past 16 years. Every transcript and degree is exposed (with receipts, food bills, expenditures) because it was real evidence of the hard at times. Taking out a loan is not going to solve your problems because the interest is paid before the principal. A real way to destroy a relationship is to marry a sweetheart who is also mired in loans because the reality sinks in. So if you're looking to go to college and to graduate 100% debt free ... how would you do it?

Business is all around you because the sad truth is it costs $ and lots of it to become something. These are no times to go into debt and definitely not to be spending money on higher education unless you know there is a going to be demand.

Here are some questions that will be featured in an upcoming release with

Question: Is college and graduate education a hoax?

Answer: No. But it is very expensive and if you make the wrong moves, reality bites and it bites hard. Like purchasing anything you need to be a wise consumer. Bankruptcy is real and credit scores are very real. Employers will be looking at your credit scores in order to hire in employees and management that will be dedicated and focused. It is really a catch 22. If you live a frugal life, you won't be able to build your score either. So focusing your spending to build credit is critical (you've got 4 yrs). I needed one more year, so I delayed my graduation while holding a 3.97 GPA. Because I did that, the credit part was about 150 pts higher in 1997 vs. 1996.

Question: Is medical education worth it?

Answer: It depends on how much you love something because they say love is always embracing and forgiving of all things. Don't go into medicine for the affluence. That's telling yourself the greatest lie. You will forever need to serve the public and it is important to live a transparent and responsible life. Another recent Forbes article, "Docs in Hock" goes into some details. The article is very slanted because it still states that doctors are doing better than the rest of the public. The real truth is that the medical system is extremely overstressed and was already in junk rated territory decades ago. The musical chairs game stopped on Wall Street but not in modern medicine. As long as we continue to finance the game using research dollars derived with tax payer monies (War on Cancer, War on AIDS) ... regardless of the cure rates, doctors & researchers will have their higher salaries.

Question: You mentioned that your own medical school was in financial turmoil and reduced to junk bond rating, can you explain?

Answer: I suggest you take a look at the following blog link. The articles are all there. I am more than willing to go into the details after you get some hard facts. Financial turmoil, September 11, these were all true. I was young then and students don't know to look at the financials and what it means. You feel on top of the world to get into these programs because of staggering numbers of people getting rejected. Kind of like VIP status. It is like an artist getting their first concert or debut of their CD only to realize this is only the beginning of a nightmare that few will understand.

Question: Will the subprime crisis bleed into student loans?

Answer: Absolutely. The crisis is deepening and I expect over 50% of student loans to be picked up by private third party. This will be much higher interest rates. Forbes does a short coverage on the subprime student loan crisis. It is poorly done because it doesn't quite give the reader a clear depiction of what this really means.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Chinese New Year (A Not So Happy Time For Most)

This year (2009) is going to turn out to be a really tough one.

In China:
Hardest-hit have been areas that depend on exports, which fell 2.8 percent in December compared with 2007. This is a painful decline from double-digit growth earlier in 2008. Thousands of factories in the southeast that made toys, shoes and other goods for export have closed, and the now-jobless migrants employed by these industries have returned to their villages without annual bonuses to pay for New Year gifts and festivities.

Independent economists expect China's growth rate to fall this year as low as 5 percent, down from an estimated 9 percent last year and 13 percent in 2007.

So what are Asians looking for in the year of the Ox?

Everyone is hopeful that by working hard we can all get through this.

Those born under the influence of the Ox are fortunate to be stable and persevering. The typical Ox is a tolerant person with strong character. Not many people could equal the resolution and fearlessness the Ox exhibits when deciding to accomplish a task or an objective. As we used this great creature long ago to plow the soil day after day, so do Ox people labor through their daily responsibilities either at work or at home without complaint or gripe. Oxen know they will succeed through hard work and sustained effort and find no truth or benefit in concocting get-rich-quick schemes.

For Americans/Europeans:
This will need to be "the" theme as well. We need to change our ways and our spending habits. Unlike most blogs out there that tell us to completely stop spending (this will only force us down several notches), we should focus our spending habits so that we make wise and progressive purchases that bring quality, rewards and relationships. 11 Steps to Smart Spending with critical rewards are going to be important. Everyone wants to make headway in life but what is moving ahead? I foresee food, toys, product safety, effectiveness, earth friendly and kind approaches to be the real re-focusing that consumers should be supporting. Why support businesses that won't support your loyalty?

Back in the 1950s-60s, Asians were more than willing to take on projects and work as long as it paid for food and housing. These times are returning in many ways for Asians and they will always be willing to work hard and in community to pullout of the global turmoil. However, unless global spending is shifted and maintained, this is going to be one very drawn out recovery. The entire thing is created by human greed and yet we have a growing climate change crisis ahead of us.

Living together in tough times and some predictions:
Globally, there will be increased threats of arguments and war. Anytime you've got hardships and shortages of resources, you will start to have disagreements and the desire to pillage or take from others. This level of aggression has always been a historical problem and we'll see if this takes another form in 2009 Year of the Ox.

Catalyst for increased tensions:
Climate changes creating powershortages, oil producing countries without the capital to buy food, increased Middle East tensions, famines and greater disparities in assets etc. Just take a look in Dubai and their idea of success translating to hotel costs at Burj Al Arab. At over 1000 USD/night as a minimum charge, if customers don't start flowing in, this will start adding to the bottomline tensions. It is sad and unfortunately a real problem. Revolutions/riots and selling of highgrade weaponry will be increasing everywhere.

United States spending:
With a potential of 1+ trillion in US debt and a growing rate of foreclosures, the days of the corporate middleclass is over. With hospitals deep in the red ink and growing cases of nosocomial infections, being a physician poses greater risk than even nurses. For nursing, the costs of education vs. the economic system is still affordable. For medical doctors, it is now considered to be downright risky. If the medical system were to be overhauled, the tuition costs would leave most graduating physicians from middle class backgrounds deep in the red.

And the public needs to ask, how will my doctor who has all these loans treat me?

Rude Awakening:
Is this bad dream going to be over soon?

Answer: No, it is just the beginning. Welcome to what human greed can create and what history will always remember as the Dark Ages 2.0.

Stick together. Know your relationships. Community and cooperatives will be critical. Small groupees will need to take care of one another. These are times when you really need to be careful about your food sourcing and information. Protect your loved ones by aligning yourself with others who are like minded.

A Soothing Song for the Times:
Amazing Grace by John Newton (1725-1807) (Elvis); (Il Divo); (Nana Mouskouri); (Leann Rimes)

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,That saved a wretch like me.I once was lost but now am found,Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snaresI have already come; 'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus farand Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me.His word my hope secures.He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,And mortal life shall cease,I shall possess within the veil, A life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand yearsBright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we've first begun.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Fall of the Two Cities (Citi another new low & Circuit City down 75%+ today)

Many people are still oblivious to how bad things are getting. For those who would like to follow closely, Circuit City is delisted from the NYSE:CC and and the new ticker is PNK: CCTYQ.

(1) In a previous article, our recent interview identified that the conditions at Citigroup and banks are worsening on a daily basis.

(2) Prior to the Christmas holidays (storewide bankruptcy) is covered in an earlier report.

(3) Bloomberg mentions that Circuit City started in 1949 and local customer Tom Kinley comments on the liquidation process (this could be happening to more businesses in the future).

(4) What is America thinking? Glendale, CA ; Buena Park, CA; Las Vegas, CA; Gurnee, IL (near Chicago); Atlanta, GA; Brooklyn, NY (claims for false advertising).

(5) The tries to sell you the goods and even in November ... they would say, look at the potential turnaround story. This page really serves more as an advertising platform regardless of the content (see all the ads where no one is buying the advertising space ... only is buying their own spaces with their own products). Here is the clip in case it gets deleted.

We currently have exclusive unreleased interviews of the Circuit City community of workers. Everyone was hopeful that the company would hire them back. The hope is now evaporated. Today, the company has filed for a total liquidation of the remaining stores. This was only 20+ days since the store closings indicative of the times we are in. I encourage everyone to read clearly what 567 store closings will mean to 34,000 employees.

The rapidly eroding situation has brought some staggering rewards of casualty for competitors such as Best Buy. But the reality check will be whether these levels of consumer buying are sustainable.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Fall of Rome, The Fall of the Citi

(1) Many people ask me what's concerning our world right now?

The answer should be climate change. Instead, the tsunami that many are focusing on is the human created one called financial tsunami. I will do my best to help in the hope that solving this problem creates an awareness that we do need to have community access to affordable and proper healthcare, food and a conscious approach to climate change.

(2) So why is there so much barrier or resistent to change?

Mostly, they are not willing to let go of the past. The saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks comes to mind. Names like Citigroup have proven that one stop shops for financial services are dangerous and don't really work. In fact, this prevents us from solving problems earlier because they are so big.

(3) Are electric hybrids a way of the future for the auto industry?

Not really when it costs consumers 350,000 miles of driving to pay off the "added" costs of purchasing a Prius. These numbers are based on ~$35 USD/barrel of crude oil. Consumers who have an opportunity to develop a green change should be encouraged rather than financially punished for their decisions.

(4) Any problems in the Green World indirectly being affected by the Citi-sickness?

Yes, Whole Foods which has created a name on the Street for "Whole Paycheck" is having a new problem and it is called quality versus profit margins. Their quality has been spiraling due to the focus on trying to squeeze margins. One example is the pre-Thanksgiving management decision to increase Pomegranate prices from 2.99 each to 3.99 each on product #3440. Prices were held through December and followed by a switch in supplier to a lesser quality and more mass grower focused on juicing. This allowed a seemingly passing on savings to the consumer in January to a price of $2.50 each.

A. Supplier is swapped

B. Prices were raised and lowered to ready-up the short memories of consumers to feel that prices have come down.

(5) Is the sickness in the Citi spreading?

Yes, the downward spiral in Citi and the rest of the banking system has affected further recovery of mortgages, the auto industry, stability of jobs etc. Quality of businesses are suffering due to lack of financing and consumers are waking up to being cheated almost daily. Nationally, there are complaints logged on why has consumer spending dropped?!

As many businesses try to squeeze margins, we will start to worry about the food safety levels and the ultimate sourcing on quality.

(6) How severe is the sickness going to be?

The level of the sickness is going to be extremely severe because this sickness also affects the minds. The number of telephone calls for the office on anger management are ringing off the hook.

Comments from investors upset that Steve Jobs is sick comes into my private line and they would ask me how come he didn't fully disclose this.

Logically, when you have public investors, you no longer have privacy for your own health. Transparency needs to be at a maximum. Unfortunately, it is a human desire to want to have both. The situation is not good because if they go inside and operate, there is always increased risk. All of us who know the Whipple procedure, realize that there will be risks but reporting this level of risk needs to be released by the patient.

Negligence on many levels has traumatized the public.

(7) What can readers expect from your research in the coming months? Anything positive?

A. Yes, in addition to my role as a Professor in the Cayman Islands, I have taken on another post as an honorary professor of science & technology at Open University. I firmly believe under these economic stresses, educators should try to provide the opportunity and accessibility for students to have a low-cost apprentice track for learning via long distance education or living quarters. In the islands, we have successfully been able to provide 150 students at $50/day with access to a vehicle, housing, and meals.

B. There will be a publication on the promises of anti-cancer discoveries in the following month. The publication will be in major print media but I'll also include a raw uncut version on the GY Blog. Locally, the colleagues in the islands already know and this was announced in December 2008 on There is a very dedicated blogger on this concept that we'll be highlighting our amazing results.

C. Research interviews of one of our team members will be made accessible on the presence of the Skene's gland (female prostate) and the use of the Kegel exercise to induce detoxification.

During the mid-1970's, Weiss had already discovered the usage of phosphodiesterase in rat lung tissue followed by a research paper on inhibition being a therapeutic agent:

Fertel R, Weiss B (1976). "Properties and drug responsiveness of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases of rat lung" (abstract). Mol. Pharmacol. 12 (4): 678–87.

Weiss B, Hait WN (1977). "Selective cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitors as potential therapeutic agents". Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 17: 441–77.

In the series on anger management, sexual relationship within the marriage can become complicated due to asynchronous stimulation/excitatory patterns, candida albicans, and inability for the female to release fluid buildup/backup.

(8) Any final messages for our readers?

Human error has caused some major catastrophic problems. The financial one is most noticeable because everyone feels it. A medical analogy would be a headache. You feel it so fast that you want to treat it because it could become an epileptic seizure, stroke etc. Climate change problems are analogous to a heart attack. This is life threatening because it can also kill you. The cause could be many such as high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, smoking, asynchronous action of the atria/ventricles, virus etc.

Like medical decisions that have been made with error and only show up down the line, climate change mistakes are also conducted without full evaluation of risk. One case worth reading is about "A Modern Eco-disaser: The People Who Killed the Cats to Save the Penguins, Overpopulated the Rabbits and Caused 17M USD in Problems, Disease".

The next problem starts in the article's last line, "Eradication of rabbits and rodents will involve dropping poisoned bait around the island. It is due to start next year"

... poisoned bait and dead rabbit/rat bodies will make Macquarie Island, one very nasty place when this leaks into the ground water, soil etc. And they can say all the nice things but any substance that kills in such vast quantities can't be good for the ecosystem.

We just need to make well thought out decisions.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Breakfast at 5pm (The Hotel Saga)

Have you heard of "Ham & Eggs" or "Bacon & Eggs" welcome to ...

Pork Loin Cooked to a Golden Brown and topped with poached eggs with a side of steamed spinach. This particular meal is substantially lower in fat/oil content and a much higher in quality protein from a quality cut of pork & chicken eggs.

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