Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Video: "I Have A Dream" Full Version Click Here

Dr. King's Last Speech:

Most people only 'know of' the Christopher Columbus Day or Martin Luther King Jr Day (parade) as a federally observed holiday. Few notice that only three federally observed holidays Washington, Columbus and Martin Luther King are observed with an individuals' name.
Some people are outraged and are out to "un"celebrate Martin Luther King Day due to the evidence that is stacked before them.

(1) Stanford University's 1984/86 Martin Luther King's Papers

(2) University of Nebraska -Lincoln's Professor of Chemistry: Gerard Harbison and doctorate of Harvard University is enraged, publishes (link) and joins the "un"celebration team and does not revere Dr. King.

(3) Alan Stang leads the charge against Dr. King's credibility.

(4) Was Senator John McCain avoiding this controversial point? He comments that he did not know enough about Martin Luther King's contributions when he voted against the observance as a national holiday at 47 years of age (Youtube recap).


Nobelaureate: Martin Luther King Jr. was born in a time of great controversy. His attempts at resolving peace through nonviolence would lead to significant changes in view towards racism. If you look beyond "man-made" education and ivory tower distinction of degrees and start to put yourself in the context of living together in harmony, you start to see what kinds of people would argue points 1-5. There is a higher level of accomplishments that make Dr. King's life worth noting.

According to a recent Goldman Sachs article, in the not-so-distant future, fighting over natural resources is sure to return. If the economic recovery takes hold and demand returns, there will once again be a fight over who owns the land, who owns the natural resources.

Like Martin Luther King Jr., the Chinese who have continued to work hard and persevere have come under much discrimination and hatred attacks.

Over dinner, I overheard someone comment that the reason for the economic crisis is the Chinese culture's frugal spending habits. The remark was "those damn Chinese who eat their own children are ... " The rest of the guests were shocked at the dinner table. The strangest thing was they were at a Chinese restaurant!!

If China was not working with the United States on spending to stabilize the global crisis and financial tsunami then what is the nearly 600 billion USD stimulus plan about (News article 1)?

These titles lead to more hatred and fears about the Chinese:

(1) Can China save the Global economy?

(2) Walmart Equals China

(3) Children posting Youtube comments on Chinese & Eating Fetuses

(4) Clinton turns to China Bashing (News article 2)

For the Chinese in China and around the world, we have amassed an incredible growth surge in wealth by embracing sacrifice, hardwork and perseverence. Every difficulty thrown at us, we have bent like a blade of grass. Cases like the 2008 Olympics tensions increased between Chinese activists and Carrefour are bound to return in the future.

In my own observations, numerous Chinese researchers and postdoctorates remain degreeless and bounded by universities because their work is "unfinished" and they are not U.S. citizens. When I was younger, comments flourished that Chinese are like monkeys. They do the work.

Even in 2009, for the Chinese we keep quiet. If we get laughed at, we try to roll with the punches and make the most of things (i.e. William Hung, Bruce Lee's initial USA film career).

Somehow, you could just feel the anger and hatred in gentleman's words at the Chinese restaurant. He was enraged against the Chinese for doing well and blaming them for his and the world's problems. And so his words were chosen to describe all Chinese in a context of barbaric in nature based on these news articles (Chinese/English).

Just like the life of Martin Luther King Jr and the arguments that continue today, discrimination exists in all parts of the world. A student who earns better grades will be looked upon differently than one who struggles. A person who has worked in corporations such as Bear Sterns will appear more special than one who works at a small bank. God has a strange way of setting things right again (in His own timing).

And speaking of God's timing, tomorrow is a very special event that will change history forever. It is the official inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama to be the 56th President of the United States (video of construction site).

We need to put aside our differences and realize our similarities as human beings. Only then can we advance ourselves as a civilization. While we continue to fight and argue, our planet is dying with an exponential elimination of other species and vegetation. Just like African classroom (see below), let's do our best to play nicely with harmony, peace and understanding.

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