Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Would you feel unclean or violated, if you found out someone's hands were all over your feminine napkins/tampons/baby's diapers BEFORE "you" use them

若果您的貼身用品, 例如女士衛生巾, 衛生棉條及嬰兒止尿片等產品, 被人手污染過, 您會感到不適及不安嗎?

Dear Reader:

As a health critic, I have seen many things being done in the business world "just to make a profit". By re-packaging them into smaller packages without the knowledge of the manufacturer, they can sell these for increased margins.

When uncovered, they responded, "it" never went out to the public. We were just testing the idea ... that's all. It was just for samples.

The so called samples contained excessive bacterial loads (see lab report).
Do you trust their answer (would you trust them again)?? What can you do?

Please include your comments as a petition so that these actions can be put to a stop. I need your help to indicate that you would mind if you ever found that your intimate products (baby diapers, feminine napkins, tampons) were contaminated due to human hand and sweat touching them.


身為一個專業的健康評論家,我遇過許多商業上只顧利益的手法。曾經有一間公司, 瞞著製造商, 把一些品牌拆件再重新包裝, 把利潤提高。

當事情被揭發, 該公司回應, 他們並未把這一批貨品出售。他們指出,公司把貨品重新包裝只是一個實驗, 和用來做免費試用裝。(可是被污染的試用裝佈滿細菌)
對這種態度,您可以信賴嗎?(將來還可以信任該公司嗎?) 身為消費者可以做甚麼呢?

於這個網頁留言作為請願書, 齊來阻止這種惡行。我們需要您的幫忙, 證明消費者並不會容許貼身產品 (女士衛生巾,衛生棉條及嬰兒止尿片等) 受到人手及汗水污染。

Lab results:

Data indicates that the standard plate count for bacteria are 12,000x above safety levels!! Even for samples this is extremely dangerous.


報告指出, 該產品的細菌數量比安全條例標準超標多出 12,000倍!! 作為免費試用裝用途亦非常危險。

Additional information:

(1) Currently a list of store buyers who have little regard for their customer's safety continue to purchase this distributors products despite integrity warnings. Their interest is in the deeper profits.
(2) The manufacturer is outraged that such an incident is happening in Asia and once again gives a bad taste to the integrity of Chinese. However, the whole problem is caused by a few greedy people.


(1)現今市面上普及的零售店, 為了賺取當中利潤, 仍然跟該公司來往及買賣。(這不就是欺騙消費者嗎?)
(2)美國製造商對此事感到驚訝, 稱他們已經跟該公司斷絕來往。

Photos for Diaper example:
Original manufactured products do not use the abbreviation "7G", they always use Seventh Generation (authentic products):

來自裝造商的「正版 」貨品沒有用短寫 "7G", 原裝常用長寫 "Seventh Generation" (按此看原裝):

Front of repackaged example, baby diapers (left) and feminine napkin (right):

Back of repackaged example, baby diapers (left) and feminine napkin (right):

Best regards,
Dr. Chiu

PS: For unsuspecting consumers who are very driven to be green and ecofriendly, this kind of behavior is taking advantage of them. Please watch the video by Erin. It would be sad to take advantage and lie to a teenage girl.

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