Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Fall of Rome, The Fall of the Citi

(1) Many people ask me what's concerning our world right now?

The answer should be climate change. Instead, the tsunami that many are focusing on is the human created one called financial tsunami. I will do my best to help in the hope that solving this problem creates an awareness that we do need to have community access to affordable and proper healthcare, food and a conscious approach to climate change.

(2) So why is there so much barrier or resistent to change?

Mostly, they are not willing to let go of the past. The saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks comes to mind. Names like Citigroup have proven that one stop shops for financial services are dangerous and don't really work. In fact, this prevents us from solving problems earlier because they are so big.

(3) Are electric hybrids a way of the future for the auto industry?

Not really when it costs consumers 350,000 miles of driving to pay off the "added" costs of purchasing a Prius. These numbers are based on ~$35 USD/barrel of crude oil. Consumers who have an opportunity to develop a green change should be encouraged rather than financially punished for their decisions.

(4) Any problems in the Green World indirectly being affected by the Citi-sickness?

Yes, Whole Foods which has created a name on the Street for "Whole Paycheck" is having a new problem and it is called quality versus profit margins. Their quality has been spiraling due to the focus on trying to squeeze margins. One example is the pre-Thanksgiving management decision to increase Pomegranate prices from 2.99 each to 3.99 each on product #3440. Prices were held through December and followed by a switch in supplier to a lesser quality and more mass grower focused on juicing. This allowed a seemingly passing on savings to the consumer in January to a price of $2.50 each.

A. Supplier is swapped

B. Prices were raised and lowered to ready-up the short memories of consumers to feel that prices have come down.

(5) Is the sickness in the Citi spreading?

Yes, the downward spiral in Citi and the rest of the banking system has affected further recovery of mortgages, the auto industry, stability of jobs etc. Quality of businesses are suffering due to lack of financing and consumers are waking up to being cheated almost daily. Nationally, there are complaints logged on why has consumer spending dropped?!

As many businesses try to squeeze margins, we will start to worry about the food safety levels and the ultimate sourcing on quality.

(6) How severe is the sickness going to be?

The level of the sickness is going to be extremely severe because this sickness also affects the minds. The number of telephone calls for the office on anger management are ringing off the hook.

Comments from investors upset that Steve Jobs is sick comes into my private line and they would ask me how come he didn't fully disclose this.

Logically, when you have public investors, you no longer have privacy for your own health. Transparency needs to be at a maximum. Unfortunately, it is a human desire to want to have both. The situation is not good because if they go inside and operate, there is always increased risk. All of us who know the Whipple procedure, realize that there will be risks but reporting this level of risk needs to be released by the patient.

Negligence on many levels has traumatized the public.

(7) What can readers expect from your research in the coming months? Anything positive?

A. Yes, in addition to my role as a Professor in the Cayman Islands, I have taken on another post as an honorary professor of science & technology at Open University. I firmly believe under these economic stresses, educators should try to provide the opportunity and accessibility for students to have a low-cost apprentice track for learning via long distance education or living quarters. In the islands, we have successfully been able to provide 150 students at $50/day with access to a vehicle, housing, and meals.

B. There will be a publication on the promises of anti-cancer discoveries in the following month. The publication will be in major print media but I'll also include a raw uncut version on the GY Blog. Locally, the colleagues in the islands already know and this was announced in December 2008 on There is a very dedicated blogger on this concept that we'll be highlighting our amazing results.

C. Research interviews of one of our team members will be made accessible on the presence of the Skene's gland (female prostate) and the use of the Kegel exercise to induce detoxification.

During the mid-1970's, Weiss had already discovered the usage of phosphodiesterase in rat lung tissue followed by a research paper on inhibition being a therapeutic agent:

Fertel R, Weiss B (1976). "Properties and drug responsiveness of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases of rat lung" (abstract). Mol. Pharmacol. 12 (4): 678–87.

Weiss B, Hait WN (1977). "Selective cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitors as potential therapeutic agents". Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 17: 441–77.

In the series on anger management, sexual relationship within the marriage can become complicated due to asynchronous stimulation/excitatory patterns, candida albicans, and inability for the female to release fluid buildup/backup.

(8) Any final messages for our readers?

Human error has caused some major catastrophic problems. The financial one is most noticeable because everyone feels it. A medical analogy would be a headache. You feel it so fast that you want to treat it because it could become an epileptic seizure, stroke etc. Climate change problems are analogous to a heart attack. This is life threatening because it can also kill you. The cause could be many such as high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, smoking, asynchronous action of the atria/ventricles, virus etc.

Like medical decisions that have been made with error and only show up down the line, climate change mistakes are also conducted without full evaluation of risk. One case worth reading is about "A Modern Eco-disaser: The People Who Killed the Cats to Save the Penguins, Overpopulated the Rabbits and Caused 17M USD in Problems, Disease".

The next problem starts in the article's last line, "Eradication of rabbits and rodents will involve dropping poisoned bait around the island. It is due to start next year"

... poisoned bait and dead rabbit/rat bodies will make Macquarie Island, one very nasty place when this leaks into the ground water, soil etc. And they can say all the nice things but any substance that kills in such vast quantities can't be good for the ecosystem.

We just need to make well thought out decisions.

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