Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cost of Cancer (from the desk of Dr. Chiu)

Dear Readers,

How much truth do you really want to know about your health? How many facts are you really interested in knowing?

Click here for the breakdown in cancer costs vs. GDP in USA alone totaling multi-trillions in USD over 30+ years since President Nixon waged the war on cancer.

Film maker Michael Moore decided to do a film named Sicko! (part1) on the problems of insurance and health coverage. This only begins to cover the tip of iceberg. The actual truth is the philosophy of allopathic medicine failed years ago and therefore health insurance companies were created to triage who should be covered vs. who should be rejected. Our noted film maker only focuses on the slips on applications and omitted/oversights of health information leading to rejections but he misses the point that this would only happen when the medical treatments fail to truly help and run such high bills that we had no choice but to regulate.

Afterwards, people who see this film makes comments without really knowing all the facts. If we converted to free universal health care, there would be no one left to truly hide the problems associated with pharmaceutical and medical research.

In 1970s, President Nixon realized that allopathic medicine was collapsing due to multiple failures including resistant bacteria. As a consequence, a "war against cancer" was enacted and an additional multi-trillions was spent on this war for the next 30+ years. This accounted for an increase from 5-6% to 10% of United States GDP followed by a stepwise function to target and reach 20%+ US GDP for the country by 2015. Globally the spending on the war on cancer would become stratospheric with each country following the USA. Allopathic medicine represented western dominance and if word got out on antibiotic resistance/failure, the establishment would fail.

We are dealing with a systemic failure. It is unsustainable and many things including access to treatment will be denied. How come no one has decided to apply proper funding to schools that teach naturopathic medicine, asian medicines or paleomedicines. What kinds of decisions went into giving multi-trillions to allopathic medicine? It was simply based on dollars and cents of patented medical therapies (i.e. drugs). And now we are paying for it by preaching socialized or christianized medicines. If we only diversified our approaches we would be able to better address our current problems.

Ignored Facts:
Allopathic doctors are so lost because everything that they know to date is being challenged globally. The allopathic system is flawed and escalating numbers of board certified doctors are giving up on what they learned in school.

Indian doctors and American Indian medicine men have all become obese and full of health problems because they too eat processed foods. Yes, they may have one or two solutions passed down from ancient time but this has not been standardized because we never accepted the possibility that their solutions deserved a chance. We immediately decided to negate vital research dollars or funding leaving them to primative answers. And yet we know so little about cancer solutions today. And today, all we have left are folklore, faith and hearsay. Strangely enough, this hearsay is better than what we can buy at a drugstore at least it is your own decision.

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