Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Water Water Everywhere Not A Drop To Drink (Dr.Chiu Summary Graduate Lecture Series: Water Treatment)

Most people may forget what happened in China in 2005 with the disaster regarding water. Today, milk also contains melamine (see lecture series #806 on melamine) because the 'milk' that came out of cows contains so little protein due to malnourishment, the locals joked this was 'cow's water' rather than 'cow's milk'.

Unfortunately, these kinds of occurances are on the rise. Years ago, I had worked with Trinity Springs to introduce a change in the mindset of the local Chinese consumer regarding the problems associated with water. After oil skyrocketed to over $60USD/barrel, Trinity Springs became a US gov't possession since it was the only pure source that even in times of bioterrorism attack, this natural reservior would provide water for 20%+ of the USA. Since it flows faster than 150mph, it is impossible to contaminate. Because it is so deep (2.2 miles) and flowed out over 100 mph contamination was eliminated.

Although Trinity is no longer available, as a scientist, I have been studying possible ways to replicate this beautiful mother nature apparatus.
One tiny company using the formula Aquarius Minerals Wash is an offshoot success on water treatment options using 100% organic biodegradable spheres that don't stop with just being environmentally friendly. By leveraging the law of osmosis, it is still possible to raise the drinkable watertable.

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