Friday, October 3, 2008

Fish Feed Dr. Chiu's Proprietary Formulations (Partial)

Fishfeed works 2004 Alaskan fisheries:
Dr. Chiu's artificial fish diet:
17-51% proteins (widest ranging due the most $$ part of the feed
11-26% lipids (the combination of PUFAs are critical for quality taste)
14-21% carbohydrates (this is not essential and only used to reduce feed costs and used as a binding agent -carbohydrates should be at the lower limit)
~8% proprietary mixture: neem, wild olive leaf ash with vitamins D, B, C, E, A
~1.4% phosphorous
~2% supermatrix (a unique mineral composition that is reformed after high intensity heat is applied to reconstruct primal sea minerals) This complete diet is necessary when fish are reared in high density indoor systems or confined in cages and cannot forage freely on natural feeds.
Note: Overfeeding is a waste of expensive feed. It also results in water pollution, low dissolved oxygen levels, increased biological oxygen demand, and increased bacterial loads. Usually, fish should be fed only the amount of feed that they can consume quickly (less than 25 minutes).

Our formulation feed should not be stored longer than 60 to 90 days, and should be inventoried regularly. Bags should not be stacked higher than 5-8 at a time. Older feed should be used first, and all feed should be regularly inspected for mold prior to feeding. All moldy feed should be discarded immediately (aflatoxin released from molds also causes cancer). Mice, rats, roaches and other pests should be strictly controlled in the feed storage area, because they consume, contaminate the feed and transmit diseases.

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