Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Black mold & other other biohazards in the world (swine flu)

Swine flu should really be named Mexican flu or North American flu or H1N1 virus since it a combination of 3 genetics (chicken, pig and human). If we were treating mosquitoes that carried Dengue fever or malaria, you would want to resort to the following:

1. Contain the mosquitoes
2. Use all measures to prevent the mosquitoes from getting on your body (protective clothing, repellents etc)
3. Your last option after being bitten would be to take medication of anti-X.

Well, it seems odd that the media would keep on telling people to take Tamiflu when that is option 3. And usually option 3 is used only after the product has been clinically proven -which it has not because Tamiflu was not around during the last outbreaks of H1N1.

Also all these safety breathing masks keep popping up. Why would you use anything other than N95 masks by 3M when this is the only mask that saved lives effectively during SARS virus, H5N1 (avian flu) outbreaks.

Suggestions of cleaning with bleach are another crazy phenomenon -yes it works but this virus is really fast at getting into your body via respiratory pathways. And bleach is very slow. It seems that one should use that Ygiene that I've had success in our own lives with toxigenic mold and pathogenic bacteria.

BEFORE YGIENE TREATMENT (note Clorox, lysol, anti-mold products had been used and this is what remained on the semi-porous concrete floor):

AFTER YGIENE (2 second wait, then swab test):

Although Ygiene has not been commercialized, I think that physicians and healthcare professionals will see that a 2 second kill rate is significantly faster than bleach, lysol or other products. And for something that has killed even anthrax, it is not surprising that Ygiene is now receiving inquiries from China and India as a weapon against H1N1 virus (video link)

Just like the prevention of mosquitoes is the best solution but requires the cooperation of all countries worldwide ... the same goes for preventing the spread of the H1N1 virus. For this H1N1 virus that spreads so quickly, we need something that kills it quickly in less than 10 seconds -before it has time to get inside our cells to multiply (Ygiene is 2 seconds).

Anyone who reads this should call up BioNeutral Group and get the facts and send in your letters that you would like a bottle of this. I firmly believe after what we saw (videos will be available upon requests) ... you will be shocked at how fast and how safe this ingredient works)

A scary factoid:
There are currently 2 strains of H1N1. One which is Tamiflu susceptible + lethal (this is what you're hearing about in the news) and another which is Tamiflu resistant + harmless. The great fear of this 3 genetics combination virus is that it mutates significantly faster than SARS or H5N1 (avian flu) due to it having all three genetics of chicken, pig and human. Scientists fear that if these 2 strains came together and made a 3rd strain of Tamiflu resistant and lethal ... we would have a serious global problem.

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