Friday, April 10, 2009

For Mature Audiences on Massage: Professional Standards, Safety, Techniques (part 1)

First do no harm: Primum Non Nocere (Greek: ἐπὶ δηλήσει δὲ καὶ ἀδικίῃ εἴρξειν)
Illness is a purposeful process of the organism. The process of healing includes the generation of symptoms which are, in fact, an expression of the life force attempting to heal itself. Therapeutic actions should be complementary to and synergistic with this healing process. The treatment actions can support or antagonize the actions of the vis medicatrix naturae -- the natural healing power of the body. Therefore, methods designed to suppress symptoms without removing the underlying causes are considered harmful and to be avoided or minimized.

The healing power of nature: Vis Medicatrix Naturae

The body has an inherent ability to establish, maintain, and restore health. The healing process is ordered and intelligent; nature heals through the response of the life force. The practitioner's role is to facilitate this process, to identify and remove obstacles to health and recovery, and to establish or restore a healthy internal and external environment.

Massage (to improve BOTH the circulatory and lymphatic drainage using physical manipulation):

Primum Non Nocere (Do No Harm) Massage Protocol: 1-8
2. Never grab/ poke the skin assuming it will not get damaged (often irreparable damage and unnecessary wrinkles develop here)
3. The skin, muscle, blood vessels, lymphatic, nervous system tissue are to be considered ONE whole entity throughout the massage (be respectful of infrastructure and treat gingerly)
4. If the patients hands/arms/feet/legs are shaken violently or any action of flinging or heavy pulling of appendages is applied at the end of a massage, this can loosen the integrity and circulation/lymphatic structural damage can occur -DO NOT EVER DO THIS!!
5. Cupping MUST BE IMMEDIATELY followed with immediate REDISTRIBUTION of the bruising using an 75% (wt/wt) of WILD COLD PRESSED OLIVE OIL, 5% (wt/wt) of NATURAL COCONUT OIL (wild is extremely difficult to find), 10% (wt/wt) ARNICA MONTANA EXTRACT (bruise reduction),2.5% (wt/wt) HYPERICUM PERFORATUM (analgesic), 2.5% (wt/wt) WILDCRAFTED NEEM OIL (inhibits skin parasites), 5% MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM (works in conjunction with WILD OLIVE OIL/COCONUT to inhibit virulent germs.
6. Remember the environment should not have lots of other people in the vicinity. This is a DETOX procedure and you don't want to be EXCHANGING any respiratory air, body fluids with others. The general area also needs to be disinfected before and after. Bi-annual mold/bacterial testing certification must be completed and visible to the patient.
8. DON'T FORGET THIS NEEDS TO BE THERAPEUTIC AND NEVER HARMFUL. Therapeutic massage without harm must apply BOTH blood circulation enhancement AND lymphatic drainage principles.

Case studies & Videos to Review Steps 1-8:
1. Credit Sample photo from Ms. Yu (artist) photos/blog (additional post massage/cupping pics in detail, they did not redistribute the bruising #5 or use antibruise meds:arnica/hypericum 4:1 ratio)

2. Video: Good- redistributes bruising #5, yet environment is unfavorable (many other patients in very close proximity) #6

3. Video: Violates #6/#7. It doesn't appear that he is getting clean disposable sheets.

4. Video: Can you see any violations? Do you feel the sheets have been changed? How is the bamboo cleaned? She is reaching into a vicinity that could contain fecal matter and there can be E. Coli transfection to the next party afterwards.

5. Video: Beauty Massage. Clean, individualized environment. Considers circulation enhancement and lymphatic drainage but only to a cursory degree. Very cavalier massage and not therapeutic. Hand techniques are poor. Using fingers rather than embracing the patient with the entire hands with palms + fingers around the body of the patient as one unit.

6. Video: Practitioners hands/clothing deviate onto patient's clothing (will they change their clothing before the next patient?) Practitioner should NEVER press/tap the ovarian vicinity (high risk area). In the event of cysts (which they don't ask), this can create heavier menstrual flows/menstrual cramp pains for multiple menstrual periods. The table doesn't appear to have new pillow cases or sheets.

7. Video: ALWAYS KEEP YOUR EYE CONTACT when talking to the patient, do not talk 'down' to them. Avoid sudden uneven movements, maintain a continuous rhythm during the massage. BE RESPECTFUL. REMEMBER YOU ARE ENTERING A VERY PERSONAL & INTIMATE SPACE. In class demonstration, students will work on respecting patient privacy.

Notes: Remember if you cut out ARNICA/HYPERICUM PERFORATUM (St. John's Wort) -4:1 ratio, the healing will be reduced significantly. 4:1 ratio is crucial. If you want to save costs and reduce Arnica to 1%, then the amount of St.John's Wort must be kept at 0.25%.


Notes:Application of 'diamond dust' technique can significantly enhance the glow on the skin. Constant vacuum suction prevents the skin from uneven build up and creates an ultra soft sensation.


Notes: Ultimately, applications for massage can be applied in many different universal settings for all walks of life. Practitioners should align themselves with high standards of care and practices. This must involve training in basic medical approaches: anatomy/anatomical deviations, physiology/pathophysiology, trauma, wound care, germs & diseases in addition to a balance and appreciation for aethetics, beauty and love.

Applications Video:


This is only the beginning of the three month training our class will be experiencing. This page is only the most basics in massage care as a reference and reminder. As you can see the massage industry is fragmented, unclean and messy. The level of details cannot be condensed into a page of writings and videos. Massage definitely has a place in healing but often ends up unknowingly hurting patients.

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