Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Level 5 (1 level away from maximum level 6 -global pandemic)

Like anything, there have nothing but massive errors. Someone (from media) starting
saying the words 'swine flu' and soon everyone caught on. Well, it really isn't swine and it is really 3 variations. Too late, China, Russia and numerous countries don't want North American pork (link).

Gary Stordy, spokeman for the Canadian Pork Council, insists that countries need to stop calling it 'swine flu'. Do you think this word can ever be dropped (link)?

Notice that more cases followed by an increase to level 5 (one step away from level 6) but then look around you -no one is wearing a mask on the streets of New York City and yet you have the occasional ambulance arrive due to someone reporting feeling ill.

It is a total nightmare. This news clip indicates the situation is dire. Look back at 1918 and you will see the virus came out and some people got sick and the situation with the Spanish flu improved until later it went berzerk.

The same situation could happen here as the virus spreads into more countries. Once there is an outbreak, the world as we know it could turn very ugly, very fast.

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