Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Noxious Brew of Tea (Tea Party 15 April 2009)

Overall national positive sentiment on Obama has dropped and parody's like these are being created and played more and more frequently:

Another Poster-child picture shown during the April 15th 2009 Tax Protest a.k.a. 2009 America's Tea Party (i.e. Sacramento, stayout of my piggybank, in front of Washington -demonstrating for Obama's Birth Certs ) was the main event of interest across America. Nationwide this is appearing as a potential for riots and civil unrest. Clearly, it is a sign many Obama voters are extremely unhappy, out-of-work, feel cheated and inappropriately represented. When asked, one even said, "I want my vote back".

1. Keye's insists that Obama needs to provide proof of his USA birth certificate is reignited and this video is broadcasted by angry American taxpayers today in Washington DC:

2. Arguments on Obama's role as the Head of State is re-challenged at the Tea Parties. INDIVIDUALS INSISTED THAT THEY WILL NOT SUPPORT OBAMA'S ACTIONS. Patriot's on April 15th carried signs and shirts in Washington DC with "Hey Big Brother: Show us Your Real Birth Certificate!"

3. Instead of the 1773-style tea-bag dump, handmade signs of all types were displayed. The Tea Party was a combination of anti-tax protest and an anti-Obama festival. Among the messages: "The Audacity of the Dope," "O Crap" and Obama as an acronym for "One Big Awful Mistake America." Some uglier messages were ("Napolitano -- Obama's Gestapo Queen," "Hang 'Em High Traitors," and a young girl with a sign: "Victim of Child Tax Abuse"). Other ones included ("Tax Slavery Sucks," and "Obama bin Lyin"). Another was a Cabbage Patch doll by its hair and a message: "My kid's growth stunted by your stimulus."

So instead of working together to find a solution, many are working together to contemplate revolting and voicing their opinions. As more people are out of work, they are all joining together to form this "Tea Party".

Leaders of various countries are concerned with this revolution attitude and what would happen should situations escalate? Will Obama allow this to happen or shut this down due to national-global security threats should increased turmoil in the USA arise.
Albany, NY posting to recruit on 12 March 2009:

Any thoughts?

Would you be interested in joining the "Tea Party"? Many of the same voters have turned against Obama, what should he do now?

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